Put on your diamond shoes!

Jun 17, 2010 22:05

So today was craptastic! Can I get a "Hell, yeah!"? And I am sick of negative energy! Holy crap am I sick of it, offline and on. Dig this email I got today: "This doesn't work for us. Call me ASAP." I think that was actually the nicest email I got today. I kid, I kid (though not about the content -- tact, dude, look it up)! Anyhow, I want some damn happiness! So without further ado, here's a list of things that made me happy today! Feel free to add happy shit in the comments. Happy, people! Happy!

First happy thing goes above the cut:

1. taffimai tweeted this pic, something that fairy-cakes-lovin-Rhys would hang up. Isn't it awesome?!

2. Strawberry Mint Orbit Gum! I love that shit. It's like a flavor explosion in my mouth -- dare I say, orgasmic? I do! It's fruity and it's minty! I can't believe those flavors combine so nicely. I loff it. (Also, buy 2 packs at CVS and get a third for a penny.)

3. My dinner tonight! I had blueberry pancakes!!! Blueberries are my second favorite food in the universe (behind chocolate). I made them myself. Tasty!

4. My dog Piper greeted me at the door when I came home today! Greeted me w/ kisses. Awwww, sweet baby. Have a little Piper! (Okay, she looks a little tubby. It's the angle!)

5. This Sunday night "Leverage" comes back! I have three favorite things about "Leverage": Hardison, Parker and Elliott. They've been so upset about the long wait. Oh, sweethearts, I'll be watching you soon!

6. "Bleezer's Ice-Cream" by Natalie Merchant. I guess it's a famous kid poem? I had never heard it. But boy howdy do I love this song! I want to dance crazy to it! My favorite flavor? Avocado brussell sprouts!

image Click to view

7. Jensen Ackles's beard. I don't know what's going on w/ his hair in this one, but his beard looks red! And like he uses conditioner on it. I want to touch!

8. The long SPN DC-set AU I've been writing since February. I love to write it! In fact, I wish I was writing it RIGHT NOW! Maybe I'll go do that and come back here.

9. alba17 -- b/c we have mind-meld!!! She knows it.

10. I got a card in the mail today from my grandmother. My grandmother and my brother are my two most consistent snail-mail pen-pals. This is also good, as they are two of my most favorite people in the world. My grandparents just celebrated their 63rd wedding anniversary. Yowza!

11. Pimm's. Had me a little Pimm's w/ my blueberry pancakes. Delicious!

12. Misha "It was a robot head" Collins on "Stonehenge Apocalypse." I especially love the pimping for "Backwoods" starring Hayley Duff going on in the bottom corner. Nerds and lunatic locals (SyFy's words) on "Backwoods" and Misha being beautiful and badass in the lolarious "Stonehenge Apocalypse." Awesome combo.

(Believe this particular cap was supplied by hils.)

Feel free to post more happy stuff in the comments! Happy! HAPPY, dammit!!!

misha is a wild and crazy guy, family, pics, jensen makes me happy, tw: rhys, doggies

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