Update & MEME

Mar 29, 2010 22:25

Hey, all! Been awhile (again) since updates. And as kel_reiley and I are finally, FINALLY getting towards the end of our Virtual Season episode, I am going to write a post about a few other things!

First, my finger hurts. I don't know why. Perhaps I ran afoul of a bug?

Second, I know that 99% of my flist doesn't give a rat's fart about "Supernatural," but the fic I wrote for an anonymous exchange was posted and my giftee made my day by writing a lovely comment in response. Thank you, giftee! All the fics are here, in case you want to read a lot of Dean/Castiel stories: http://community.livejournal.com/deancastiel/tag/2010%20fic%20exchange.

Third, I really want to do that "unpopular opinions" meme that was going around awhile ago. So I'm going to! I actually don't know if these are all that unpopular.
1. For "Supernatural" -- I really liked Ruby 2.0. I actually really wanted her to be helping Sam b/c she wanted to get back into Heaven, though, as opposed to being Barty Crouch Jr. But either way, I enjoyed Ruby 2.0. And I thought she was really hot, too.
2. I loathe love triangles. They make me wind up disliking each member of the triangle. Case in point: the triangle on "Chuck" right now. I love Chuck, I love Sarah, but I have gotten so sick of them this season with the addition of Shaw. Holy crap. Don't give me contrived obstacles to romance. Give me the fucking romance.
3. For "X-Files" -- I really liked Monica Reyes and John Dogget. Annabeth Gish, you will always be my Pudge! Let's shag! The dance, people. And Dogget? My kind of curmudgeonly grump. I did not have a problem w/ Reyes and Dogget.
4. I'm still pissed at JJ Abrams for abandoning "Alias" after season two. That was my favorite show, the first show I ever got really involved in (though I still didn't actually talk to the strangers on the internet about it) and come on. Season 3 sucked ass. I still watched all five seasons b/c I am one loyal little lemming (and, uh, Jennifer Garner), but the quality was way subpar after season two.

Fourth, the quote on my bottle of Honest Tea is "The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." -- Nelson Mandela

Fifth, I'm going to post a bit of unfinished fic tonight. I lost half of it in the great USB loss of '09 and I doubt I will ever be able to finish it. But I loved it so. And maybe someone else will want to finish it.


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