REC: The Road Less Lonely

Dec 02, 2009 20:27

Hey, peeps! So alba17 wrote Jack/Mitchell, a crossover between TW and Being Human. It's a crossover that makes sense! Whoot! Here's Jack, a hopeless immortal, and Mitchell, an unfortunate vampire, and they have an understanding. Of sorts. There's sex (of course these two would have sex!) and it's hot. There's also some lovely imagery, and History. Jack is real, and broken, and Mitchell is himself, understanding and sexy. (Yes. I kind of have a thing for Mitchell.) Go read: The Road Less Lonely.

Also! 80 bajillion people on my flist are doing the Fanfiction Love MEME. I want to make sweet, sweet love to you all! I will bestow love on you as soon as ever I can! Oodles of love!

recs, meme, flist

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