Title: The Carriage held but just Ourselves (Pt. 6/10)
blue_fjordsRating: PG-13
Characters: Gwen, Andy, Tosh, Jack, Ianto, Owen, Gerald Carter
Word length: 2533
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: Crime novel AU w/ alternating POVs from Gwen and Jack.
A/N: Kudos to my beta,
paragraphs, for her invaluable help and support. All mistakes are mine!
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I did like bringing Andy back into the mix. He's such a sweetheart.
Formica = my idea of a cheap table. They're the type you find in diners in the US. But I guess I'll change this to compressed wood. And I have had beer in about a thousand fics! That's a lot of going back. Okay, so, Andy has a case of beer in his kitchen -- he would call it lager? Or as far as a brand name -- Brains? That's the one I see most often in fics...
I think pine is fine for the table, it is the most likely substance. You can say MDF, which is compressed wood, but then you may find Americans reading won't know what that is!
I was of course joking about the chapters! I just meant I loved this so wanted more. I agree with you, I think it's good if there is an AU that works really well, just to write a few stories set in it.
Formica--yikes! I didn't think about that. Sneaky word, lol.
Heh, I was just thinking about what chapter 26 would be like of this: Gwen goes to the store b/c they're out of milk and has a vision of Emily Dickinson doing the can-can; Jack breaks a nail and fantasizes about Ianto sucking on his finger.
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