FIC: Structural Flaws

Aug 03, 2009 15:41

Title: Structural Flaws
Author: blue_fjords
Rating: NC-17
Characters/Pairing: Suzie/Ianto
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Word length: ~1800
Summary: Set several years pre-series. Suzie has a tryst with a boy with a fake name. They are briefly interrupted.

A/N: This is totes PWP, and totes for amand_r and used_songs, who suggested and seconded it over on the what-the- ( Read more... )

pwp, tw: ianto, tw: suzie, fic

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topgeargirl2 August 4 2009, 05:32:39 UTC
This was very good.

Suzie was always a very interesting character.


blue_fjords August 5 2009, 04:14:13 UTC
Thanks! I really like getting my ya-ya's out through writing some Suzie. :)


topgeargirl2 August 5 2009, 06:08:15 UTC
I've been thinking of writing a story with Suzie in it.


blue_fjords August 5 2009, 12:13:42 UTC
You should totes do it! Suzie is a fascinating character to play with; there's a lot of wiggle room. And she has a very unique perspective.


topgeargirl2 August 5 2009, 12:47:29 UTC
Well my idea that I have is sort of connected to my torchwood big bang I'm writing at the moment, which I still need a beta for. the idea also involves Tosh and an OC who appears in the Torchwood Big bang.


blue_fjords August 5 2009, 18:10:25 UTC
I'm beta-ing a TW Big Bang. Looking forward to these stories! Let me know if you want a head to bounce things off. I'm not sure if I have enough time to do two betas (they're supposed to be 20,000+ words, right?) but let me know how it goes.

We need more Suzie and Tosh in fics. :)


topgeargirl2 August 6 2009, 01:01:01 UTC
15,000 actually and yeah I will.


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