Good night and thank you!

Jun 06, 2009 18:12

So! CoT Awards. Thank y'all very much for voting for I Loved a Woman with a Heart of Amber. I am enormously pleased w/ the reception it's had. It's the little fic that could! I have to thank verasteine once again for beta-ing it and making it so much better.

Here be its banner:

Congrats, also, to misswinterhill, santousha, cyus, 51stcenturyfox, and thrace_adams. I feel like I am missing peeps. These lists are very confusing. Consider yourself congratulated! And congrats to everyone who was nominated! And thank you if you voted for one of my fics that did not win; I appreciate the sentiment! :)

I read three of the others in the Gwen category and would like to take a moment to pimp them out, b/c they were very deserving!

Two Moon Tango by 51stcenturyfox: Gwen and John go through the Rift at the end of KKBB. I am not a fan of John, but foxy can write him. I love this line of his here: “Cheer the fuck up, sunshine. We’re not dead, at any rate. We should celebrate. Shag?” And also this observation: You ought to be grateful that I know this place and really grateful that it doesn’t have a Torchwood. Gwen can't say anything to that. As much as she loves Torchwood and has a "protect and serve" mentality, she understands the way things are.
Most of all, I like how Gwen keeps her head in a full-on crisis. And the insights into her character, provided by John Hart. Gwen has an adventurous spirit, she's decisive and brave, and that really shows through here. Plus, there's karaoke!

One Calamity by invisible_lift: This may seem strange to you, but my favorite thing about this gender-swap tale is the inclusion of stubble. Gwen temporarily becomes a man, and one of her many adjustments is the stubble. I love the look of a man w/ stubble. Not so big on the feel of a man w/ stubble. The stubble really made me connect w/ Gwen and put myself in her place, even in this extraordinary circumstance. I also like how Gwen is strong, but can still cry; manages to keep doing her job, but still needs the support of her loved ones. Andy is awesome in this, by the way. And Gwen treats him as she does in canon -- not that well, but still appreciative. Lovely writing, too.

Nine out of Ten by used_songs: This is a meditation on the friendship between Gwen and Tosh, two very different women working towards the same goal, surrounded by the fantastical. It's told in a series of vignettes. I especially like number 3 and number 6; how strong and self-reliant and competent and joyful they are there. I love this exchange; I think it really sums up their characters well:
Tosh watched as the first raindrops began to streak down the window pane and the shadow of the clouds darkened the glass. “We have to learn to be happy with what we have,” she said.
“I don’t agree,” replied Gwen. “I don’t agree at all.”

So, yeah, thanks again everyone, and congrats to nominees, winners and runners-up. Have an awesome rest of the weekend!

recs, awards, tw: gwen, no fic

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