Rutabagas and Turnips

Apr 22, 2012 09:34

Been awhile since my last update, so I thought I'd check in before abruptly springing my 100 Things blog stuff on you. The topic I chose for my 100 Things is... drumroll... 100 Food Experiences. Some posts will contain pictures and/or recipes, some posts will just be stories of places I went to and had such-and-such a meal, and the experience stuck w/ me. Or it will be a rumination on food and body image. But most of these posts will have more levity in them. :)

As to other writing... I haven't done much (any) since posting my last story. I have two fics that I'm working on, but, hrm. I need to be more disciplined to get any writing done. I'm beta-ing a long fic right now, and I feel guilty for typing up this slap-dash post instead of beta-ing that, and even more guilty if I'm trying to write. Bleaurgh.

However, should get all the words out, b/c the Farmers' Market is fast upon us! I have an assigned spot this year -- on the corner (prime location) next to the pro bakers (excellent -- they're very popular and attract a lot of customers, plus they sell things like bread and danishes, not stuff that I sell, and none of their stuff is vegan). M and I are designing my banner and business cards. I feel very official. And am already baking, as work is having a craft fair the day before the market opens, so I need gadzooks of stuff for my co-workers (I work for a vegan organization, so they're pretty much my target audience).

And finally, this week is the one year anniversary of my dog Piper's death. I bought Milo a doggie cupcake at Bark yesterday, and shared some of the yogurt frosting w/ Willow the cat. I don't really know if dogs and cats recognize anniversaries the same as us, but they'll be good sports when I cuddle them extra hard this week. I still miss my baby girl.

On that note, I will retire to the kitchen to bake some cupcakes.

updates, meh, cupcakes, doggies

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