Inordenent amounts of stress

Oct 11, 2006 12:19

My last few days have been filled with reminding myself to breathe and to let go of that which does not really matter and freuqently what falls under the header of "does not matter" includes far more than I am usually inclined to accept. I had a bit of a reminder of that when, and I won't go into too much detail here, I found myself being cleaqrly reminded of that division. So my mission right now is to try to find the dividing line. To look at the office and at my personal life and figure out what actually requires my full on - super attentive - agressively speedy action, and what is actually just bullshit that wants to assert its own importantance by screaming "rush, Rush, RUSH!!!" in my ear when really it is not all that bad - or that important.

Non-Sequiter: Time-Warner made me mad. They came in and bought my service from Comcast and then managed to have outstandingly bad customer service. So I have switched to SBC. The Vonage and Cable internet are gone. (Poor Vonage got caught in the crossfire, I have no gripe with them) In their place I have a new bare-bones land line (just call waiting and local dialing - the cell suffices for all else) and DSL. So far it hasn't been noticibly faster or slower then the Cable and far less pissy Customer Servicewise. Also since I got the High-Speed a bonus is that I can (for $2 a month) also access internet at almost all Barnes & Noble locations which has allowed mem this afternoon, to escape my office space and take a few moments to clear my head in a way that going home for lunch doesn't quite accomplish among thoughts of lundry and dishes, etc. Even though it is spotless right now, thoughts of projects and To Do's still persist.

In my ear, The Stolen Child. I have a real fondness for audiobooks that is very different than my love of opening a thick volume. I love that too, don't get me wrong, but there is something about an audiobook that makes me reminicent of grade school where the teacher would have story hour, a time my eyes could rest while my mind traveled to someone else's world.

My time, as time tends to do, is running out for this brief escape. I must travel back.
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