Rare Pair 2014 letter

Jun 25, 2014 20:02

Dear Author~

Things I like:
- Angst with a happy endings
- Sex with or withiut plot
- Introspectiveness into the characters
- Established relationships
- Fluff
- AUs
- Slice of life
- Genderbend (either AU where one character has always been that gender or there's some reason that it's suddenly happened)
- Tentacles

And things I dislike:
- Do not want scat or guro and underage (a note that I'm in the UK so underage to me is anyone under 16, 15 nearly 16 is ok but no-one younger)
- Character bashing
- Incorrectly represented BDSM
- Non-canon character death

I'd like not to have any non-con/dub-con for these pairings as I don't see it. Roleplayed non-con is fine

I love Touya/Yukito and the way it developed throughout the series, especially with Touya coming to terms with his feelings and supposedly not freaking out over it (though it would be fun to see if he did!)

Touya/Yukito/Yue has always fascinated me. I love seeing Touya trying to include Yue more (and I have a bit of a things for wings 8D) Also quite happy for it to be AU where Yukito and Yue are seperate :3

A note that I would really prefer the characters taken from the sub, as I never wtched the dub all the way through!

Kaiba Seto/Mutou Yuugi
I see this as being set post series as we see that Seto kind of doubts Yugi's skills as a duelist before he duels Atem. So other than that I don't mind what you do with this pairing, it could be some awkward 'this is a business meeting except not' that Seto has set up or small talk after an exhibition match or straight up PWP is fine too XD

Thief King Bakura/Kisara
I'd really like this not to be non-con, I see Thief King having a bit of a soft spot for her as a fellow outcast and well she looks even 'weirder' than him. So really I'd like something fluffy with these two if at all possible :3

Pharaoh Atem/Priest Seto
Again this could be established, Atem angsting over taking Seto to bed - worried that he'd say yes purely because it's his Pharaoh asking him. I can see a lot of snarky sexual tension between these two so that's good too~

Kaiba Seto/Mutou Yuugi/Yami Yuugi
Ah I just love the idea of Yugi and Yami running rings around Seto~ I'd probably prefer established relationship for this (as it'll make it easier on you, dear writer) but if you want to write them getting together then go for it!

Bakura Ryou/Thief King Bakura
Again I prefer this post series. I'm fine with something fluffy or angsty where Ryou is still getting over that this isn't the spirit of the Ring and Bakura getting pissed that he's being mistaken for the spirit (I headcanon that the spirit is a mix of Zorc and Thief King but up to you if you go with that or not :3)

I have a huge soft spot for the Three Legendary Knights and you pretty much have free range with them considering how little we see of them.

Ishizu Ishtar/Kaiba Seto
I love that Ishizu gets away with calling him Seto and the way on alcatraz island that she calls him on his bullshit. And in a more shallow way they look damn hit together!

Pegasus J. Crawford/Kaiba Seto | Seto Kaiba/Maximillion Pegasus
I see this in a weird kind of way, I guess, in that Seto having just taken over kaibacorp is working closely with Pegasus and has this huge crush on him though more because Pegasus simply gives him positive attention. I'd also love to see something post-anime canon where they're beginning to work more closely again and Seto is even beginning to trust him.

Just as a note that I watch Gaim each week so don't worry about spoiling me!

Kazuraba Kouta/Kumon Kaito
Sooo I have a thing for rivals as a pairing and I love these too sooo much. I love how concerned Kouta was for Kaito in regards to seeing how Demushu had turned out in his quest for power.

Kazuraba Kouta/Kureshima Takatora
So for me this is a ship that came about more recently once Kouta and Takatora met again and actually exchanged names! It would be great to have something set around then or in between or evenan optimistic post series where they're bith alive XD
EDIT: Given the preview for episode 36... well you're more than welcome to take them to an AU!!

This entry was originally posted at http://blue-eyesgirl-fic.dreamwidth.org/67900.html

rare pair fest

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