Zarata, Queens of the Road Convention

Apr 04, 2014 15:23

I'm totally crap at writing reports, so i'll let that up to people who can do that so much better than me. I only took 5 crappy pix of the con itself also, eventhough i did go on the close-up and dinner, and i had a fabulous time on both things. Just don't feel comfortable sticking a camera up their nose, would hate it to happen to myself. Rather stick with my memories and conversations i had with the guests, who were all wonderful btw. Ok, Gale was so freekin' weird though! Ok, once he sat at our table during the cocktailparty, he was joking and all, and i did some bantering with him, just idunno ... weird person. Anyway, Scott, Peter and Randy were very talkative and da Randster is still my fave (he's such a good sport and likes teasing ... fucker! :p ). Gotta love him.

Also had my pic signed from London by Randolph. (See a theme popping up here? --->as i said: TEASE!)

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