Happy Hump Day!

Sep 06, 2006 16:17

Bra eftermiddag!

Gotta love these short weeks that fly by!  I thought all day yesterday was Monday and told my daughter that there was no cheerleading practice for a couple more nights and she said "you mean tomorrow night"...to which I replied "no, thursday night"  DUH!

Dana started middle school yesterday.  Big change from my middle school!  They actually have periods like the high school does!  She changes rooms throughout the day which means that she needs to drag her BG meter and a snack with her everywhere she goes...but they don't take their backpacks or anything.  I told her she'll have to bring her meter case from home that looks like a purse...the no one will question what she's carrying around with her.  She doesn't want anyone to know that she has Juvenile Diabetes.  Today she didn't have her snack with her during math class and felt like she was going low but didn't say anything because she was afraid to interrupt the teacher.  So she waited it out and had to have a friend help her back to her locker because she couldn't walk on her own at that point.  Crazy kid!!!  I scolded her good over the phone (not enough to make her cry, thank God) and told her that I don't care where she is or what she's doing, if she needs to eat or have juice then so be it!  She's embarrassed to eat in front of the kids she doesn't know but I keep telling her "imagine how much more embarrassing it'll be when you pass out and they have to call an ambulance!".   Or if they have to use Glucagon to get her blood sugar up because she's semi-conscious and then she pukes all over....yeah, that'd be embarrassing.  Poor kid!  Like kids don't have enough things to deal with or enough self-esteem problems...she's gotta deal with this too.  I keep telling my hubby that things could be worse...she could have been diagnosed with cancer or something else equally scary.  We can handle this, it's just so hard to have to control when and how much she eats and then make sure that she's had enough to eat and also to have to trust her care to a bunch of teachers that have no idea how to take care of her!  I've sent info to school, but I don't think a lot of them take it seriously because their ________ (fill in the blank: aunt, uncle, mother, father, friend, husband, wife) has/had Diabetes and just took a pill to control it.  Well sorry people, Juvenile Diabetes doesn't work that way...she takes 3 shots of insulin a day and tests her blood sugar 5-8 times a day.  And with hormones making a mess of everything you never know where her blood sugar will be!  She could eat the same things and take the same insulin 2 days in a row and be in range one day and way off the scale the next.  Go figure!

Okay, enough over-protective-mothering for now!
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