(no subject)

Dec 29, 2005 03:23

A short dramatic scene starring:

Aspen, as herself
White Rider, as herself
Saphyria, as herself
and Black Rider, as himself

SaphTheImmortal: Black: White, you suck at picking minions.
Aspenx3: White: *eyeroll* weak material to work with here.
Aspenx3: White: *adds* However, wait until you talk to the newest possibility.
Aspenx3: (i.e. Barty Crouch)
SaphTheImmortal: Black: *grins* A fine young man, if I remember correctly.
Aspenx3: White: *grin* I thought so myself, cariad.
SaphTheImmortal: Black: *sighs with irritation* And now my 'mun' finds that, apparently, I have not met the young man, yet. I was so very sure, but I think she was thinking of the cat.
Aspenx3: White: *smiles warmly* Goodness, dear. Such a careless creature, she is.
SaphTheImmortal: Black: *smiles rather nastily over the rim of his wineglass* Yes. Quite.... careless. But useful, perhaps, in her own small way.
Aspenx3: Aspen: *whispers to Saph* Any chance of running for it?
Aspenx3: White: Aren't they all, dear.
SaphTheImmortal: Saph: *whispers* Would running help?
Aspenx3: Aspen: *whispers back* ... not unless we can worldhop.
SaphTheImmortal: Black: *sips his wine* Yours seems to be trying to play the doubleagent, really. Which side is she on?
Aspenx3: White: Her own, she thinks. *turns a teacup in her hands* A clever creature -- too much for her own good, but useful still.
Aspenx3: Aspen: *tries not to whimper*
SaphTheImmortal: Saph: *is just very, very still*
SaphTheImmortal: Black: Should something be done?
Aspenx3: White: She will be less useful if broken. Still... you have played with that other, that Moiraine -- perhaps you can accomplish something there?
SaphTheImmortal: Black: *is silent for a long moment* As useful as it would be to have Moiraine...removed from the picture, I would not be the one responsible for anything anyone could offer me.
SaphTheImmortal: Saph: *edges towards Aspen, trying not to seem to move*
Aspenx3: Aspen: *is barely breathing*
Aspenx3: White: What of the pretty cat, then?
SaphTheImmortal: Black: It looks on me as an interesting aquaintence, if not fully a friend. The cat has been useful in times past. He is also acquantences of Stanton and your little... raven.
SaphTheImmortal: Saph: *slowly catches Aspen's gaze, then glances towards the door behind them* *slowly, slowly*
Aspenx3: Aspen: *very tiny inclination of the head, inches backward*
Aspenx3: White: Is that so, cariad? Goodness, how interesting indeed...
SaphTheImmortal: Black: He is Wild, if anything. Unhindered by allegiences. That might be changed, perhaps, and to our gain. *He grins with his mouth, not his eyes* Any flame-retardant yarn in your stock?
SaphTheImmortal: Saph: *eases ever so slowly backwards, not daring to breathe*
Aspenx3: White: Even the Wild may have its weaknesses, I have found. *cold, cold smile*
Aspenx3: Aspen: *utterly tense, shifts further toward the door*
SaphTheImmortal: Black: *raises his glass a tiny fraction of an inch* Find his.
SaphTheImmortal: Saph: *tries to not fumble for doorknob, turning it slowly*
Doorknob: *clicks as it turns, audibly*
Saph: *freezes, wary and unbreathing*
Aspenx3: White: Oh, cariad, but an idea I have... *turns to look at door* Why, it seems that someone's getting ideas.
Aspenx3: Aspen: *turns chalk-white and does not move*
SaphTheImmortal: Saph: *blanches, frozen with fear, eyes wide*
Aspenx3: (also, I do not want Blodwen a'binding Yrael.)
Aspenx3: (because OW.)
SaphTheImmortal: Black: Ideas that should not be gotten.
SaphTheImmortal: (nor do I, because woah DOOM)
SaphTheImmortal: Black: *voice cold as the winter night* I would so hate for them to get the wrong idea.
Aspenx3: Aspen: *swallows hard* If you compel us, you lose whatever freedom we can offer you.
Aspenx3: White: *looks very unfriendly* Is that so, dear?
SaphTheImmortal: Saph: *voice-shaking* We might even stop writing for you at all.
SaphTheImmortal: Black: Not if we make you write.
Aspenx3: Aspen: *snaps back* You can make us write. You can't make us create.
Aspenx3: Aspen: And the difference is your freedom.
Aspenx3: White: *comes over to stand nearby* Oh, now, dear -- are you so certain?
SaphTheImmortal: Saph: *backs a step away from White* You would be stuck in Milliways forever, both of you.
SaphTheImmortal: Black: *stands silently, and stalks over, looming*
SaphTheImmortal: Saph: *fumbles behind back for doorknob*
Aspenx3: Aspen: *raises chin* You can't kill us. And Merriman, and Moiraine, and others -- they will deal with you.
Aspenx3: White: They will try, dear. They have failed before. *whiplash of cold in the voice, and pressure of wind against the door*
SaphTheImmortal: Black: *bone-aching cold sounds in his voice* The Light is not known for pausing to save individual lives. It has ever been their weak point. They will not avenge what we do to you.
SaphTheImmortal: Saph: *pulls against the door, though is unwilling to turn her back to the Riders* You can not harm us.
SaphTheImmortal: (I'm scared)
Aspenx3: White: It will not differ much from harm.
Aspenx3: Aspen: *breaks* *snatches for Saph's hand and the door handle*
Aspenx3: (yea same here)
SaphTheImmortal: Saph: *whispers* Help me! *pulls at the door*
Black: We will see to that. *He motions with his hand, and the temperature falls with shocking speed. The cold is so intense it is painful to breathe.*
SaphTheImmortal: (We doomed?)
Aspenx3: Aspen: *pulls at door as well* It won't open!
Aspenx3: White: You are bound to us, children. Did you think to escape so easily, when you have invited us in to your very minds?
Aspenx3: (We are doomed unless we can find help.)
SaphTheImmortal: Saph: *teeth chattering as she pulls at the door* We can retire you both any time we please. If we do, that is the end of all your hopes and plans and plotting. It is the end of YOU.
SaphTheImmortal: Black: You will not find it that easy. We are not so easily cast aside.
SaphTheImmortal: (So.... we're doomed.)
Aspenx3: Aspen: *turns away from door, raises chin, smiling* Don't be foolish. There will be far better things if we work together, after all. I write for Moiraine, and Saph for Yrael.
Aspenx3: White: *eyes, looks at Black* Brave things, aren't they?
SaphTheImmortal: Saph: *eyes Aspen* You are far braver than I. *stops yanking at the door, and turns towards the Riders* Have you seen what Balefire does to a person, even an immortal?
SaphTheImmortal: Black: Brave, but stupid.
Aspenx3: Aspen: *out of side of mouth to Saph* Desperate, rather. *to Riders* It unweaves the threads of the Pattern itself... *sudden idea* As we can do by writing you out of the story, if you persist in this.
Aspenx3: White: *dangerously soft* Threats, dear?
SaphTheImmortal: Saph: *gaining slight confidence* And don't think we won't.
SaphTheImmortal: Black: *musingly* You believe we would leave that option open to you. Fools.
SaphTheImmortal: (Is there a chance?)
Aspenx3: (I think so! *hopeful*)
Aspenx3: Aspen: *bright challenging smile* I do. We do. And it's what we believe that matters. For instance, I believe that door will open when we next try it.
Aspenx3: White: *looks at Saph* Don't be a fool yourself, dear. Clever and careful, and stay alive -- you will not like it outside time...
SaphTheImmortal: Saph: You'd know, wouldn't you? But here... this is a world of our making. *glances at Aspen for an instant* It's our belief that shapes it. You are just the puppets. You do not hold the strings.
SaphTheImmortal: Black: *begins slowly stalking forwards* You will find that people can believe untrue things. Wishing for something doesn't make it happen.
Aspenx3: White: *mutters in the spell-speech of the Dark, as the temperature plummets and the wind rises, dragging at Saph and Aspen*
Aspenx3: Aspen: Not everyone, everywhere, no -- but here, it may be enough. *snatches at door handle one more time*
SaphTheImmortal: Black: *strides forwards, joining his voice with that of White as the smothering cold comes.*
SaphTheImmortal: Saph: Sometimes, the act of wishing for something makes that thing possible. *grabs door handle along with Aspen and turns*
Aspenx3: Door: *opens*
Aspenx3: Narration: There is a whirl of blinding light and a crack as of thunder, and then the room is empty -- or elsewhere. The Riders are gone.
Aspenx3: Aspen: *collapses in heap on floor* Too close.
SaphTheImmortal: Saph: *slides weakly down the wall, panting* Much, much too close.
Aspenx3: ... also wtf Dracothread.
SaphTheImmortal: Yes
SaphTheImmortal: Saph: *shakily gets to her feet and extends a hand for Aspen* All right?
Aspenx3: *takes hand, levers self up* Yeah. I'm good. Let's hide next time. Faster.
SaphTheImmortal: Yeah, let's.... not even let them out. Keeps things like this from happening.
SaphTheImmortal: Let's at least keep them confined to LJ.
Aspenx3: ... yes. yes yes.
SaphTheImmortal: *lets out a breath, happy to be able to breathe freely* *looks around at room* Tea?
Aspenx3: Tea would be lovely,
SaphTheImmortal: Yeah. I think we deserve it. Do you take milk and/or sugar in yours? *heads towards table to set out things for tea*
Aspenx3: I do now. Energy, you know.
SaphTheImmortal: *eyes room, glances at Aspen, the door, then at the tea things* ...yeah.
Aspenx3: Yeah.
Aspenx3: *is also staring at Dracothread in wtf*
SaphTheImmortal: Narration: The End

Aspenx3: My brain hurts now.
SaphTheImmortal: mine too

*Curtain rises, all come forward to take their bows*
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