Hello again everyone,
I've converted to the myspace crew, so I haven't been writing in here since the summer. Ashley inspired me to come back though, so here I am:)
I'm back from Muskoka, obviously, and life has been racing by eversince. My sister got married on November 5th. It was absolutely beautiful. And everyone looked stunning in the bridesmaids dresses. Who knew cocoa looked good on everyone? I would love to post some pictures for you, but I don't know how to do that on here:/ If anyone knows how, please fill me in.
I've moved twice since I've come back and it's caused nothing but headaches. My family moved out of our house while I was gone and into an apartment, so when I came back, I moved in with them there. Then around exam time last semester (December for those who have no clue) my cousin called me up and said, "hey, my great grandma (who's 102!!) is finally going into an old folks home and we are selling her house. My mom isn't putting it up for sale until february or so and she said it would be cheaper insurance wise if someone was living in it until she sold it. Wanna move in with me for the semester? It's rent free!" How could I resist! So, right before exams, I packed up and moved it on out! It's been a good time so far. My cousin and I both have pretty busy school schedules, so we aren't really around during the day and both of us aren't usually home til the evening, so we haven't driven each other crazy. I've learned some recipes and have become accustomed to cleaning and doing laundry. I've also realized that there aren't enough bloody hours in the day to keep up with everything! haha.
School has been kicking my ass this semester. They really push you fourth year eh? Man! I can't wait to be done, but at the same time I have no clue what to do with myself once I'm done. I want to get my masters but I need to take a year off because I just don't have the steam to keep going right now. I'm aiming to go to Germany for two weeks at the end of June and then maybe taking a course in september to teach overseas. I was also recently asked to put in a resume for a Construction Company to get a job in Niagara Falls as a data enterer. It's for 10 months and I'd make $30, 000....SWEET!!! But I just found out that they revoked the contract and are looking for a full time person, so I don't know if I want to work there because if I start, I might be there forever and I won't do my masters like I want. Plus it has nothing to do with my field of study what so ever! lol
Aside from all of this, Matthias and I are going on our 1 year anniversary soon:) It seems like we've been together so much longer than that. And yes, I consider that a good thing! I've acquired a bit of a bitchy streak this year though. I still have all my friends but I've kind of been pushing them away a bit. Sometimes I just don't have the energy to be a good friend, if that makes any sense at all. It's especially hard when I find some of the issues so trivial compared to other stuff going on in my life right now. That's why it's good to have Matthias around. He tells me when I'm being a bitch and that I shouldn't be so hard on people, haha. I guess with all the crap I've dealt with in the past 3 or 4 years, I've become a bit cynical and bitter, so it takes quite a bit to get my sympathy, lol. That sounded horrible. I'm not really THAT bad, but I do have my moments.
Spring break has started and boy has it gotten off to a good start. Let's see, Friday Matthias came over and I fell asleep by 11:30; Saturday I woke up at 8, then fell back asleep until 1pm and then I went to my mom's to watch a movie; Sunday I did nothing, but I DID stay up past my bedtime!! And today I went for coffee with my old boss and good friend Jackey, did a little shopping and have since come home and hung up my laundry! Wow, is that the best spring break ever or what?!?!?!! Haha, it'll get better. I know it!
p.s...I got one pic to work!!