
Dec 04, 2016 22:27

It happens very rarely that I'm in Uppsala over a weekend, but I had a full week last week as well as meetings on Monday and Tuesday, so I'm in the middle of a longer trip. I came down last Tuesday morning, and I won't go home until this coming Tuesday evening. Though I do enjoy the time I spend here, this is just a bit too long (especially considering that I'll be home for less than a week before coming back down for five days). When I write that out, I realize that it sounds like I'm away more than I'm home, but that's really not the case. I was in Uppsala for only one week in November, and I'll be home for a month or so from mid-December. And now it sounds like I'm on the defensive ... gah.

Anyway, it's been a pretty good weekend, even if I would rather have been at home with the husband and the kids and the dogs. Yesterday morning I met up with a couple of friends from work, and we took the train to the gigantic Mall of Scandinavia in Solna. None of us bought very much, but we had a nice time browsing around and did come away with a few things. After we got back to Uppsala I went to the grocery store and stocked up some before spending the rest of the evening lounging around and watching bad TV.

Today I got up late then made a quick trip downtown for a bit more shopping before I went to the office to catch up on some work. I spent several hours there and got quite a bit done. I got back to my apartment around 7:30 and have done a whole lot of nothing in the hours since. I really ought to get some cleaning done, both because a friend-of-a-friend will be staying here next week and because it really just needs to be done, but I always find it something of a losing proposition because there's simply not enough space here to put everything. I've taken advantage of every possible nook and cranny, but there are still piles of clothes and whatnot everywhere I turn. I was thinking just this moment that I might be able to fit a little chest of drawers under the table. Hmm, I'll have to get out my measuring tape and give that some consideration.
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