Valentine's Day Challenge Fic

Feb 20, 2009 19:17

Not Meant to Be

by Elizabeth

Rated M

Pairing:  Andy/Lily

This is a Vday Challenge Fic for duwinter  Hope you like it sweetie.

Prompt:  Andy/Lily: Spring break in Dunn's River Falls, Jamaica. Angsty can have a happy ending, but not required if it's more powerful without it. Some sensuality.

Disclaimer:  I don't own the Devil Wears Prada.

A/N:  Not meant to be by Theory of a Deadman inspired me and is an awesome song.  I kind of had a "oh crap" moment when I first read the prompt, but in the end I loved writing this story.  My OTP is still Mirandy, but this pairing brought out some great writing from me imho.  :)  I've read some comments back during the itunes meme that people were suggesting more of this pairing, so I hope we have more too.
Thank you grdnofevrythng  who is all kinds of awesome.

It all started out with a phone call. Lily was in the middle of writing a paper for her Women’s Studies class when Andy’s ring tone started to play. Doug had been highly amused every time that Billy Joel’s "She’s got a way," started when Andy called. He often told Lily that she wore her heart on her sleeve. Lily was highly amused that his ring tone was Whitney Houston’s "Queen of the Night."

"Hey Andy," Lily answered the phone reluctantly. It was the Friday night beginning spring break and Lily knew that Andy was leaving with Nate to go to Dunn’s River Falls in Ocho Rios, Jamaica. Lily also knew that the couple were experiencing some problems.

There was a high-pitched sob from the other side of the line and Lily heard her friend start to try and explain what was happening between great heaping gasps and tears. It was about Nate.

They had met and started dating when Andy was a freshman, had moved in together during their sophomore year, and now seemed on the verge of breaking up near the end of their junior year. Nate wanted to move to New York to try and be a chef. Andy was reluctant to go to the big city and not before graduating.

Even though Lily had romantic feelings for Andy since they were in highschool, she was able to like Nate, but thought sometimes he was naive about the world and her friend. He seemed to think Andy should just leave college and go to New York and be a writer. Nate didn’t want to leave without Andy and was resentful that Andy wouldn’t just go with him.

Things seemed strained between the couple before the whole move to New York debate. People tend to change drastically during their college years and Andy was no exception. She was slowly growing into a confident sexy woman that not only Lily was drawn to. A jealous Nate seemed to think a new location would help keep him and Andy together. He also seemed to think that going to New York without money and a degree that the couple would find work and live happily ever after Lily knew from a few friends that even having a degree and experience didn’t always help when someone tried to live and work in a big city.

"Okay Andy," Lily spoke in a calm tone of voice. There had been a few explosive fights over the years and Lily knew what to say to try and comfort her friend. She had become an expert in comforting Andy when she was depressed. It usually involved a lot of Cherry Garcia and a few Richard Gere movies to make the brunette feel better. "Slow down and tell me what’s wrong."

"Nate just broke up with me," Andy began to cry softly again. "He’s going to go to New York."

"Sweetie, we all know how hard headed that boy can be. Maybe you guys can still work things out." Through think and thin Lily always tried to be supportive of Andy. Doug was always quick to point out when they were alone that she coddled Andy too much because she was in love with her. Lily just told Doug that he talked too much.

"Nate just needs to blow off some steam, " Lily continued to coddle. "He’ll probably show up tomorrow with some sun flowers and an apology hug."

"Not this time, Lil. He packed a bag and threw his plane ticket to Jamaica at me. Nate said ‘Since you won’t go with me to New York, you can go on vacation without me too.’ It’s over," Andy sounded sure and sad.

The semester had taken its toll on her with the drama with Nate and some issues with the school paper. Lily had been worried as she noticed dark circles under Andy’s eyes and how exhausted she always sounded. She knew her friend had been excited about relaxing under a waterfall, or just getting drunk and having some fun. Andy needed fun and Lily had a brainstorm. "Is your trip paid for?"

"Yeah, we can’t get the deposit back for the hotel and the plane tickets are non refundable." Andy gave a caustic laugh, "What a waste of money Nate could use in his new bachelor pad in New York."

"What if it isn’t a waste of money? Why don’t you and I go on the trip?" Lily spoke before she thought everything through. As soon as the words were out of her mouth, she realized she’d be spending a week with a straight woman she was in love with, in a highly romantic setting, who happened to be her best friend, who was also going to be a mess over a break up. Not exactly ideal vacation qualities. Lily bit her bottom lip and prayed that Andy would just want to stay home, eat Cherry Garcia, and watch Pretty Woman and Chicago for the thousandth time. An Officer and a Gentleman had been permanently banned.

"That sounds like an awesome idea Lily! How long will it take you to pack?" Andy was making her excited noises that made Lily melt inside.

Lily ran her hand over her face and realized that Doug wasn’t the only one who talked too much.

Five hours later the two friends boarded their flight. Andy seemed to be in high spirits, but her eyes still conveyed her sorrow. Lily had been drawn to the brunette initially because of her expressive eyes. They were two pools of brown velvet that Lily often wanted to drown in. Andy also couldn’t keep her feelings from being shown through her vivacious eyes, a fact that made her a truly terrible poker player. Lily’s loved looking at Andy’s eyes when she was aroused.  She had only seen that once at a party, right before Andy had left with Nate. Nate was a jackass in Lily’s opinion. Andy had yet to mention his name and had kept up random chatter during the flight.

"Thanks for coming with me Lily," Andy said with her beautiful I’m happy right now but will be sad in a few hours smile on.

"Why don’t you lay your head back Andy.  Try to get some rest so you aren’t so tired when we get there," Lily suggested.

"That sounds good. Wake me up when we land." Andy closed her gorgeous eyes.

Since they were kids, Andy had been able to fall asleep almost at will and she slept like the dead when she did. Lily was content to just sit quietly and watch her sleep. As she slept, Andy gravitated towards Lily’s body heat, and slowly rested her head on her shoulder.

Just sitting with Andy’s head on her shoulder, Lily found herself guiltily soaking up the contact. Andy was a touchy-feely kind of person who was prone to spontaneous hugs and kisses on the cheeks. Lily tried to maintain a physical distance so she didn’t embarrass herself and let onto her feelings for Andy, but found it difficult to keep a distance. She turned her head and smelled Andy’s shampoo. Andy always smelled so good.

"Excuse me miss," a male Flight Attendant quietly interrupted her olfactory reverie. Lily turned her head slowly to look at him. "Would you like something to drink?"

She shook her head no. Her gaydar let her know that he was family so she wasn’t surprised that he asked, "Would you like me to get a blanket for your girlfriend?"

"Yeah that would be great," she beamed at him. Lily often wished that Andy was her girlfriend.

Andy and Lily hit the ground running once they arrived in Jamaica. After checking into the decent hotel, they went directly to the falls and beach. Lily was a little afraid her heart was beating too fast when she saw Andy in her red bikini. It was fairly modest, but she couldn’t help notice how hard the brunette’s nipples were through the suit and Lily had to keep reminding herself not to gawk at her ass.

They were taking a break from the water sitting on some rocks just enjoying the beautiful tropic scenery surrounding one of the water falls. "Lily, maybe why we’re here we can find you a girlfriend," Andy had a teasing smile on her face. "It has been a long time hasn’t it?" Andy squawked as she was pushed into the gentle rapids and a delightful splashing fight ensued.

After drying off and showering, the two friends had a delicious seafood dinner and finished the evening quietly with a few drinks at the hotel bar. Andy was drinking a Cosmopolitan and Lily had a Heineken, their usual drinks of choice. Andy raised her glass, "A toast. To best friends always, that don’t need men."

Lily laughed and clinked her bottle to Andy’s glass. She took a big sip of her drink a sense of melancholy filling her as she realized once again that she would always just be the best friend.

"Hey that hot chick bartender is checking you out," Andy whispered and pointed discretely. Her gorgeous eyes had begun to droop and her words were a little slurred from the combination of her Cosmo and the wine they had with dinner. Andy had always been a light weight when it came to drinking.

Lily laughed again and reached over, pushed her drink away and stood up. "I think you’ve had enough. Why don’t we hit the sack. You said you wanted to go to that craft fair tomorrow."

Andy clumsily tried to stand up on her own before Lily helped her. She wrapped her arm around Lily’s neck. "I’m so glad you’re here with me, Lil. Now we can do so many fun things. Nate probably wouldn’t have wanted to leave the hotel..."

They walked back to their room, Lily trying to think about anything except Andy and Nate not leaving the hotel. She had initially been worried about sharing a queen-sized bed with Andy, but it seemed a telling giveaway if she had requested another room or a cot. Lily had often shared the pull-out sofa when the girls had been in highschool together and she couldn’t find an excuse for not sharing a bed now.

Back in the room, Andy was almost asleep on her feet. Lily pulled off her shoes and socks and tucked her into bed. "Love you Lil," Andy muttered before she rolled over and began softly snoring.

It felt like her heart broke a little, but she had to say it in return. "I love you too, Andy."

By Wednesday evening their trip was winding down with their return trip imminent on Friday morning. It had been a fun time by both women doing all the touristy things buying souvenirs, and even swimming with dolphins and just soaking up the sun next to the Carribean Sea.

Andy had left her cell phone at home and Lily had barely had time to talk to Doug every few days to let him know they were all right and to let their families know they were having a wonderful time. From Doug Lily had learned that Nate was still gone and had not contacted any of their friends. Andy hadn’t mentioned him during the trip at all.

Lily had just gotten off the phone with Doug and was walking to the hotel lobby to meet Andy. It had been an amazing trip so far and no men hassled or flirted with either of the women. Lily had noticed a few admiring glances shot Andy’s way, but she had felt relieved that no one had hit on Andy.

Lily had seen other friends dumped by girlfriends and boyfriends recklessly try to get back on the dating horse too soon and didn’t want to see Andy do that for many reasons. So it was with some dismay Lily walked into the lobby to find Andy laughing and talking with one of the men she had noticed checking the brunette out.

"Oh hey Lily," Andy waved her over. "This is Michael. He just invited us to go with him and some friends to Acropolis Disco Ocho Rios. Doesn’t that sound like fun?"

A world of hell no was the answer. "Andy can I talk to you over here a minute?" Lily asked as she pulled Andy away from the man. "Okay two things. I’m gay, which you know, so I don’t want to go with some guy and his friends. And two, you don’t know anything about this guy."

"Lily stop being silly. I’m not trying to hook either of us up and I told him you were gay and he was fine with it and said gay people go to this club too. We’ll be fine! Lets just go have fun. It’s the night before the last night," Andy explained, her eyes pleading.

Damn Andy and her eyes, Lily thought. "Okay, but even though we don’t leave until Friday morning, lets not stay out real late."

Andy grinned and pulled Lily into a warm hug. Damn Andy and her hugs too, Lily thought as she still wrapped her arms around the brunette.

It was the typical night club scene. Lily also had to admit that Michael and his two friends seemed very kind. His two friends soon ventured out to pick up some women and Michael mostly kept talking to Andy. Andy had already had two drinks, and Lily was a little frustrated and jealous to see her giggling and flirting with the man. She had said she didn’t want to flirt with him.

"Andy," Lily said holding up her wrist with the watch on it and pointing to it.

Andy waved her off and turned back to Michael. Lily was started to get really pissed, so she got up to go use the bathroom. It was a long line, typical of going to the club, but she figured Andy was involved with Michael and wouldn’t even notice how long she was gone.

As she exited the bathroom she was pulled into the corner into the arms of the hot chick bartender from the hotel into a scorching kiss. Lily had learned the woman’s name was Remy and Andy been delighted to point out that she was checking Lily out every chance she got, so it shouldn’t had been such a shock to find out the bartender was romantically interested in her. When the woman was finished exploring her mouth, she pulled away still running her hands over Lily’s body, "Why don’t we leave and go somewhere more comfortable." Remy’s voice sounded like pure sex.

Lily felt a bead of sweat run down her face and she could feel throbbing between her legs. "What do you mean somewhere more comfortable?" Lily stuttered. It had been a really long time.

"You and me sweating in a bed, having fantastic sex. You know the kind that makes you want to bite the sheets." Okay, so the woman’s voice was pure sex.

Before Lily could answer and she wasn’t sure what the answer would be, her lips were captured again in a passionate kiss. They were interrupted by a shocked gasp. Lily pried her lips and tongue away from Remy to see Andy standing two feet away a look of profound hurt in her eyes and face.

"Andy-" Lily started to say, but Andy had turned and run. Lily took off after her without looking back and was able to get in the taxi with the brunette.

Andy radiated anger and Lily felt very confused. "I didn’t know she was going to be there or do that," she tried to explain almost like she would to a jealous girlfriend. Andy remained silent the entire ride back to the hotel. When they arrived, she jumped out of the taxi and left Lily to settle with the driver. It had started to thunder and large drops of rain were falling.

Lily paid the driver as fast as she could and followed Andy back to their room. As soon as she entered the room she was pushed back against the door and felt surreal as Andy’s luscious lips were pressed against hers. With a loud moan, her kiss was almost desperate. The room was filled with the sounds of their kissing and the rain and thunder outside. Fused together they stumbled to the queen-sized bed removing clothing and touching each other. Lily pulled away to look into Andy’s eyes, a little unsure if she was drunk. Lily felt breathless looking at Andy’s bedroom eyes and stunned at how beautiful Andy’s naked body was. She let herself be pulled down to rest on top of Andy and into another kiss. The night was spent learning how to make each other moan, shutter, and come explosively over and over. To Lily it was the best night of her life. In the back of her mind she dreaded the morning after.

Lily woke up first. They were both naked and Andy’s head was on her stomach. She gently lifted Andy off of her and covered her with a blanket before getting out of the bed. Lily was thankful that Andy was still sleeping after she had showered and dressed. She quietly wrote Andy a note that she was going to eat breakfast. Lily was unsure what else to write as much as she was unsure what to say to the brunette, so she just signed her name.

Sitting in the hotel breakfast area, Lily couldn’t stop worrying about the consequences of her actions. She wasn’t sure how Andy was going to react, even though she had made the first move. Resigned to facing her friend, Lilly started to go back to the room when she felt her cell phone vibrating. She had set it to vibrate at the night club because she was afraid that she would be unable to hear it.

The screen showed that she had ten missed calls from Doug and he was currently the person calling. She answered her phone, "Hello Doug. Is everything okay?"

"Where the Hell have you been! I’ve been trying to reach you all night. Nate is coming to see Andy and will be there soon. He came back to talk to her and was so upset by her ‘moving’ on and going on the trip without him and he wants her back." Poor Doug sounded emotionally drained.

Lily found herself speechless. She realized that there was someone standing next to her table, thinking it was Nate she turned around to see Andy. Andy had an expression on her face that was so gentle and loving that it hurt Lily’s eyes to see it. Lily was positive that Andy was going to say that they could not continue a romantic relationship. That they were just friends. There was also the fact that Nate was coming for her and Andy loved big relationship gestures like that. Heartsick, Lily knew in an instant what she had to do.

"Lily are you still there?" Doug asked.

"Hey Doug, just get on the internet and book that flight home for me today."

"What are you talking about Lily? What Flight?"

"I’ll see you soon," Lily tried for overly cheerful even though she felt an ache so painful in her stomach as she looked at the confused and hurt look on Andy’s face. She hung up the phone on Doug and was sure that he would try to arrange a flight for her even though he had no idea why he was doing it.

"Why are you going home Lily?"

"Well this has been a great week, but I should get back. There’s this great girl that Doug wants to set me up with and I want to go ahead and get ready for class next week," Lily explained with a blank face. In her head she kept explaining to herself that this was best for both of them.

"Aren’t we going to talk about last night?" Andy looked like she was on the verge of tears and her voice was hoarse with emotion. Lily had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep from taking Andy into her arms.

"There’s nothing to talk about. We were both adults, we had a great time drunk. It was a great fuck. I hope we can continue being friends." Lily watched as Andy’s mouth opened and nothing came out and a lone tear fell down her face. She almost blurted all her feelings for Andy then, but she saw Nate enter the hotel behind Andy and realized it was too late.

Nate dropped his bags and sun flowers and ran over and turned a shocked Andy to face him. He pulled her to him and kissed her. Andy stood completely still for so long that he pulled away, looking very ashamed. "I’m so sorry Andy I was an idiot. Please forgive me?" He pulled her into a bear hug. "Hey Lily, thanks for taking care of my girl."

"You’re welcome Nate," Lily said through clenched teeth. "Well I’m going back today, so you guys have the room to yourselves tonight. I’ll just go back, why don’t you two sit and talk." Lily got up without waiting for they’re reaction, tears starting to form in her eyes.

She packed very quickly almost afraid Andy and Nate would come to the room. She received a text message from Doug that her flight left in three hours and that she should lay off the marijuana.

When she got to the hotel lobby they were still talking quietly. She braced herself and walked over to them and put on a bright expression. "Well I’m off. You guys come back safely and I’ll see you when you get back." Nate had stood to give her one of his lame hugs and Andy just looked at her sad and bewildered.

"You have a safe trip too Lily. We’ll be back Friday." Nate put his arm around Andy and let her to the hotel room. Lily’s heart broke again when she gave her one more searching look over Nate’s shoulder. It was time for Lily to move on.

When she arrived home Doug was waiting for her at the baggage claim with a nice non-lame hug. Lily broke down in the car and Doug listened patiently and didn’t judge. Lily didn’t even have the photos of her vacation developed. It all seemed like a fantasy that she didn’t want to remember.

Andy and Nate came home together and they were back together. Things were a little strained between the two women, but they both pretended that the night had never happened and things slowly returned to normal. Andy graduated from Northwestern and moved to New York with Nate. Doug and Lily, after finding a job also moved nearby. They all continued to be friends and supportive until Andy went to work at Runway.

Lily had never felt like she could compete with Nate, so she knew she couldn’t compete with Miranda Priestly. She and Doug watched as her relationship with Nate fell apart completely and Andy became a different person. Andy finally reached her limit and quit the magazine and found a job at a smaller paper.

After five months of not speaking to each other, the two friends finally decided to get together and talk at Andy’s invitation to her new apartment. "It’s good to see you Lil," Andy said with her sad smile.

"I’ve missed you Andy," Lily had decided to be completely honest about her feelings. Doug had told her that Andy was now over Nate and had gone out on a few dates, so Lily wanted Andy in her life as her friend more than anything.

After drinking some coffee and talking about day to day things Andy finally looked at Lily with an expression that Lily had never seen. Andy reached over and took her hand in her hands. "Isn’t it time we talked about that night?" Just the feeling of Andy’s fingers rubbing her hand made Lily’s body come alive. She felt hopeful.

The Beginning

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fanfiction, dwp andy/lily

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