Today I got really angry. At everything. I came home on friday for the rest of the summer- and I don't plan on workin b/c I have alotta stuff I need to do personally. But today in the shower another panic attack came (i'm starting to see that they usually happen in the shower) buut I could name 15 people and why i was crazy angry at them. Which is unlike me, anger is rarely shown in me, I get frustrated, i turn things around to find a "reason" for things to happen or people to do things, but today I just wanted to punch something. I guess everyone gets mad sometime but if i am going to get mad i'd like it in small doses, not the whole world at once.
1 reason I'm angry is that I know a secret, not a secrt someone told me but I stumbled upon, one that changes my life forever. One that if i bring up at all to anyone it would change someone else's world forever and they'd hate me for knowing. I could lose something very important to me...but honestly the secret has already changed us.
Lies- why do people lie? Especially to me, I am one of the most open minded people (so i've been told, not being cocky) but the people closest to me keep things from me. They say they lied b/c they thought i'd think less of them, or look down on them...i don't judge- or at least i REALLY try not to. I am more hurt by lies than whatever you did/said/thought. Be honest, I keep it real so give it back in return. You don't have to tell me everything- but damnit its frustrating to keep assuring you i love ya'll and help pick up the pieces.
- if you don't get that, don't worry about it- it's for only a few
anyway- despite it not sounding great- life is amazing-
oh yeah, I actually got a postcard up on i doubt you could guess which secret is mine!!