Spring Break....delayed but getting started

Mar 14, 2005 01:06

Came home w/bronchitis on Weds...so I didn't get to go w/the crew down to South Carolina. BUT I did have 3 nights in a row of unexpected fun w/a VB fave (Bacardi 151 is ridiculously potent, and doesn't go well w/anything except cherry coke.) Watched "Saw" which still doesn't scare me/gross me out, but then a lil drunker later I watched "The Grudge" and jumped like a 5 year old...what are you gonna do? My plan is as follows:

Monday: LOTS of school work, lunch w/the fam, more work, pack (possibly go out w/Ryan)
Tuesday: Finish Packing (see Ryan if Monday night fell through) Go up to Potomac Mills/IKEA to shop w/mom. Back to Potomac Heights for a sleepover w/mom.
Wednesday: Get my butt down to Myrtle Beach as fast as possible: Party
Thursday: Party while wearing/drinking GREEN
Friday: more partying/driving
Saturday: Clean/recover/Company comes
Sunday: Dinner in the city followed by seeing "Rent" w/before mentioned company
the next week: school yadayadayada
the next weekend: the same before mentioned company returns for partying
Monday the 28th: Michelle Branch/Tyler Hilton concert

And in between all that- doing massive massive amounts of work that I'm uber confused on....but hey, we'll see.

Tonight I talked to my mom about my summer plans (summer school at either session A or C w/a job thrown in somewhere) And all that. Then we talked about how in a year I'll have to get a "REAL" job and live somewhere else w/rent and all that....uh excuse me? I deeeef didn't see this coming. But we'll see what happens. My plans always seem to be foiled in some way or another.

Anyway, excited about what's coming up, spring break-wise and life-wise. Love to you all, well all who ever glance at these random ramblings of mine

what do you think? cut my hair evenly to my shoulders? Or leave it in its crazy long layers?
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