Feb 25, 2005 00:48
Today was a snow day- i did nothing....i wanted to be at jmu tonight just hanging out, maybe even doing nothing like i like to do, but there's 6inches at least on the ground. Also, I'm not sure that jmu wanted me to be there tonight, seemed real indifferent about me not coming down. buuuut it is what it is, i might go tomo if its not bad. Jenn's party is saturday, hope things go well. There have been a whollllllle lotta fire alarms going off...i dont like that and here's some said info there have been alotta "shamus" the original was captured in 1965 and his name was NAMU, SHAMU means "friend of namu" yup I know shattered childhood dreams dude, shattered dreams + there are 4 "shamus" around the country....4!!!!!
I HATE FIRE ALARAMS!! They keep going off for no reason!
didn't get to go to kareoke...that's hard to spell, that could be wrong. I AM GOING TO CARLOS O'KELLYS AND NEDS NEXT THURSDAY...no matter what!!!!!
mmmmmm beer
miss my fam, they are pretty great