oh look, a writing whine

May 18, 2013 20:02

Rawr, just lost this entire post because my browser ate it >:((( Also I keep getting intterupted. LET ME WHINE, LIFE.


I'm not feeling connected to my paperlegends right now?

Like, I am excited by the story and want to write it, and think others would like it, but 1) I'm in an in-between plot part so it's a bit boring to write when I just want to write all the exciting bits? and 2) no one wants to beta it? I've tried 3/4 people and all but one has disappeared? The last one is afk for a while due to RL stuff. I mean, is the problem me/my fic? Am I awkward-turtling all over people and then expecting them to beta a pile of rubbish? THIS IS A THING THAT COULD HAPPEN.

But others have liked my fic/snippets? And I'm not a terrible writer? My main issues are the ever shifting tenses and my dodgy keyboard that means sometimes letters don't get typed

But! I'm hoping I can get back in there, you know. I don't need outside validation, you know? Also I've got an amazing artist in fleete, and I'm so excited to be working with her! So yes. I will write and remember that I should really be writing for myself first, and that not everything is to everyone's taste. And then kick some writing ass :DD

writing all the words, do you have cheese to go with this whine

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