Ok, so first:
everyone's heard Thrift shop, yeah?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?gl=GB&v=QK8mJJJvaes&hl=en-GB (if not gooo now it's freaking awesome (plus I adore charity/thrift shops, so that makes this song extra awesome)).
HOWEVER, I really do rec Macklmore's other stuff, because he's awesome. The album 'The Heist' is amazing. Also he doesn't seem like a douche canoe, which is always nice!
My world/iPod needs more awesome rap (incidentally, rap recs, I would love them <3). Also spoken word/slam poetry stuff.
This week has been...meh? I mean, I think I'm just really looking forward to getting another job, and training myself up so I can do that. I'm really enjoying the coding courses I'm doing so I'm hoping I can translate that into actual skills and then into a job.
In fannish news, I checked into paperlegends as a cat. 1 writer(!), so I need to finish now :P I'm hoping to get some words down this weekend, because it's a long weekend and I haven't really got into writing my PL story in aaages. If people are about for mutual cheer leading/productivity sprints then please ping me! <3
I have nothing really planned for the weekend; I'm just hoping for nice weather so I can go for a walk with Mark, and maybe wear something nice and summery! (Also, ICYMI, I've got a summery songs post here:
http://blue-eyed-1987.livejournal.com/94516.html, so go check it out/rec something!)
ETA twenty one pilots are brilliant too:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3StPYNJKS9Q <3 *huuuuugs* Tell me about your week/life, my loves. Anything amazing planned for the weekend?