Separate because my love for this knows no bounds. Like, seriously. I've only just finished listening to ep 18, so I've got a lot of catching up to do, and this might all be Jossed but whatever :P
I've always been a fan of things like
SCP foundation and creepy conspiracy theories as a form of entertainment.
My headcanon is that Carlos is from the SCP foundation, and Night Vale is an SCP. Carlos is cataloguing and desperately trying to figure out which category NV belongs in, because it fluctuates and everyone seems to survive all sorts of things, and he has no idea how dangerous it is to non-NV residents. One of the interns will eventually be a Class-D personnel.
Cecil flailing when Carlos leaves him voicemails asking to meet up is the most adorable thing, you guys. I was like :DDD *chinhands* all the way through.
Come and share your WTNV feelings with me! I'm not really in the fandom right now as I'm behind, but I'm not fussed by spoilers :P come flail, tell me your favourite fanworks etc