Bad luck with the homeless....

Sep 20, 2007 09:51

I have had a long going desire to help homeless people or at least be nice to them. I haven’t had much luck lately. I wouldn’t say that I have seen as many homeless people here as I used to see in Mobile but it is pretty close and there are still a lot.

First Incident:
I’m by no means dressed to kill in fact I think I was in a long skirt and a sweat shirt when I walked out of the Architecture building. It was maybe 10:45 am and I as just walking to my next class not rally paying attention to anything when BAM. This homeless guy who bad been sitting talking to this other homeless guy when I walked by on my way to class gets up and runs over to me and I’m prepared to say good morning how are you blah blah blah when it starts. He raises his hands and a few inches form my body pretends to run his hands along my hidden curves and to squeeze my breast. He continues but now there are words something long the lines of : “oh girl that’s what I’m talking about yeah amazing!” Buy this point I’m totally shocked and people are starting to look. I didn’t want to be mean and I definitely didn’t want to make him angry so I just stepped around him and kept walking to class. He followed me, thank goodness only to the corner, and I haven’t seen him since. The whole thing was just bizarre and a little unnerving.

Second Incident:
Almost a week ago I went to an Orchard and picked 3 large boxes of apples and one of plums. I have cooked with most of two boxes of apples and haven’t really done anything with most of the plums. In fear of things starting to go bad I have taken to carrying a basket of fruit with me to class and offering it randomly to people. I have one evening class and I have to walk down Central Avenue to get there. In some was this is hobo central in the evenings. So on my way to class I have probably 5 hobos ask if I have any money to spare one guy even told me that he was hungry and needed money for food. Not one of them would take my fucking fruit. So I went to class and didn’t really think anything about it until I came out to go home and haven’t even stepped out to street before I’m asked for money. No they don’t want any fruit ether. I encountered more homeless people on the way home and not one would take my fruit it really made me sad. I did on the up side have a nice conversation with one guy who didn’t ask for money. He was homeless but I guess he had everything he need so he didn’t want any fruit or money.

Third Incident:
I get up early on Thursday morning to take out the trash and the recycling. Today it was about 6:30 when I walked out with a big that was bigger than I am with my keys in hand. After many 10 feet this homeless guy appears from I don’t know where. So being typical me I guess “Good morning sir! How are you?” no response and he wont look at me but rather walks past me and tries to get into the church which is locked. He seems put off and walks away before I get back to the door. Later I am taking out more trash and he is back so I try again with the same lines but a bit louder though I wasn’t quiet the first time. Again he ignores me and tries the door. As I ‘m walking back to the door he walks in my direction so I am going to try again “Excuse me sir” but before I can say anything else he just looks up at me and yells “FUCK YOU” I just wanted to ask him if he wanted some fruit but obviously not!
Fourth Incident:
I hate that most people treat the homeless as sub human and refuse to even give them the time of day. Even with there problems and the problems that they cause society or what ever your views on them are they’re still human and they should still be treated like they are human. So walking home from class earlier this week I’m bombarded with the usual do you have any change, just standard pan handling. A few blocks from home (where there aren’t usually many homeless) I see a small man trip on the side walk and fall so with a few hurried steps I am standing next to him and help him to his feet. I can smell the cheep beer but he seems to be ok other than the alcohol. Trying to be nice I asked “Are you ok sir?” He gave me honestly the saddest look I have ever seen in my whole life, before saying “Your beautiful Lady what’s your name?” All I wanted to do was cry and give him a hug but instead I just shook my head and said “I’m so sorry I’m so sorry.” I walked away and when I turned on to my entry sidewalk he was still standing there watching me walk away. I dreamed about him and woke up sad the next day. I just can’t get his super sad look out of my head. He is haunting me and I don’t know what to do about it.
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