(no subject)

Feb 28, 2005 20:30

I'm hungry.

Taken from death_dealer200

[Color] Black -doesn't care what you think-

[Number] 21
[Animal] Black Panther.
[Drinks] Water/Gatorade

[Soda] I don't...drink...pop. o.o I don't like pop. Nasty.
[Flower] White rose.
[Book] Hello. Lotr.

[Kicked someone in the nuts?] Hm... Not the nuts.
[Stolen anything?] Err...;>>
[Held a gun?] Nope.
[Ever get off the damn computer?] Yeah. Mom kicks me off.
[Been in fist fight?] Multiple times.
[Been so drunk you forgot what happened the night before?] Don't need to be drunk to forget things.
[Considered being a hooker?] No. o.o
[Cried over a girl?] A girl? Uhm... I don't recall.
[Lied to someone?] Yep.
[Been in love?] Yes.
[Made out with JUST a friend?] Nah. My friends are girls, and I'm not into that.
[Been rejected?] Eh. Yeah
[Used someone?] Hm. Probably.
[Been used?] Yeah.
[Been kissed?] Yes.

DO YOU.....
[Color your hair?] Sometimes.
[Twirl your hair?] Neh.
[Have tattoos?] I wish.
[Have piercings?] Only t3h ears =P

[Cheat on tests/homework?] Pshea.
[Drink/Smoke?] I have

[Like roller coasters?] WHEE.
[Wish you could live somewhere else?] Now that I think about it...not really.
[Want more piercings?] Hell yeah. =P
[Like cleaning?] Nuu.
[Write in cursive or print?] Print.
[Sweat alot?] Neh.
[Own a webcam?] Yup, but I don't use it alot.
[Know how to drive?] In...-counts- Two months and 20 days. ^0^

[Own a cell phone?] <<; no. v.v

[Current clothing] U.S. Polo Assn. (When you look at it just right, it says 'ass'. ^0^) sweatshirt and t3h blue jeans.
[Current mood] Sickly.
[Current taste] I haven't eaten for three days. Kind of hammy..
[What you currently smell like] Nothing?
[Current hair] Bland.
[Current thing I ought to be doing] Practicing Piano/Flute/Trumpet/Vocals
[Current cds in stereo] I listen to deh radio.
[Last book you finished reading] Pet Semetary.
[Last movie you watched] Hitched (YOU GO SEE. -slap, slap- Get out. x3)

[Last person you talked to on the phone] Mindy.

DO YOU.....
[Do drugs]Neh                                                                                                                                                                             [Believe there is life on other planets] Mebeh.
[Read the newspaper] Occasionaly
[Believe in miracles] Yeah
[Do well in school] Pretty much.
[Wear hats] Biker hats.
[Hate yourself] Alot.
[Have an obsession] FFX/FFX-2 I can't beat the parrtssss. -sob-
[Have a current crush] Yesh. v.v
[Collect anything] Money? =P                                                                                                                                                               [Like your handwriting] Noooo way.
[Care about looks] Mine? Yeah. Others? No.
[Have a hobby] Reading, Writing, Singing, uhm...instrumentals, music, and...doodling.

[first crush] LOL. Ethan Duggan. Oh Lordy, that was a long time ago.
[Do you believe in love at first sight]  Uhm...yeah.
[Do you believe in the "the one"] Abso-posi-you better believe it..
[Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?] HAH. No comment
[Are you a tease] Si.
[Shy to make the first move] Yeah.

ARE YOU (A)......
[Wuss] Yes.
[Druggy] No.
[Daydreamer] All the time.
[Dork] Very.
[Bitch/asshole] When I don't take my meds.
[Sarcastic] Mhm.
[Angel] ...
[Shy] Around certain people.
[Talkative] Sometimes.
[Parents still together] Yes.
[Pets] I don't have any. v.v -sniff-
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