Stardust Answers the Five W

Aug 23, 2012 22:29

Taken from Stardust's FB account:

Stardust Answers the Five W:

WHO inspires you?

Definitely my parents. My father is someone who directs and produce movies and tv series. I believe that my interest in photography started because of him.He told me that in making movies, cinematography is an important key to make a film more realistic. I fell in love with capturing scenes on different angles and perspective. My mother on the other hand was a model. I love how she carries herself even though she's not in front of the camera. She considers modeling as an art. A way to express a person's emotion or message which I think has a connection with what I mentioned earlier about movies.

WHAT is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you?

Oh, this happened quite recently. Raiden who is a friend of mine sported a blond hair in a dinner meet during Glacian's birthday. So the gullible me thought for a second that he is someone I know (when I say someone I know I'm referring to Fritz) and I was about to call him when he turned and you know what happened... I just couldn't help myself but to cover my face due to embarrassment. I really don't know that it was Rai sitting on the other end. It was actually a funny moment! Haha!

WHY did you choose your current job/s?

I have simple answer to that. Because I love my jobs! I hold my own schedule. It's good to work on something that doesn't feel like work because you enjoy doing it!

WHEN do you think is the best time to surprise someone?

I guess there's no best time to surprise someone. I mean, there are several occassions you can do that but it won't hurt if you surprise someone on an ordinary day right? Surprises are meant to be done on unexpected time so I guess anytime is the best time.

WHERE will you go if you are given a free two way ticket to a destination of your choice?

Hmm... that's a hard question because I love travelling. I think if I got the ticket now I would say I want to go to South Korea to fetch Fritz myself and drag him home with me haha! I miss him so much that's why Rai's been doing unexpected things like imitating his hair-style to check if he can fool me. Haha!!!
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