Name: Mala
spiralstarfallAge: 19
Email: when.all.your.dreams.come.true at gmail
IM Messenger: ThineMalathyne ; puppetpathos
Name: Rinoa Heartilly
Game: Final Fantasy VIII
Point in Canon: beginning of disk two, after the group splits up into teams to go to the Galbadian Missile Silo and Balamb Garden (she was in the latter)
brb gettin' my lazy all over your app form Personality: First and foremost, Rinoa is social. She loves people! She thrives on being around them. She does not and will not hesitate to walk up to a total stranger and strike up a conversation with them. In this way, she is very forward and bold, which falls into place with the rest of her personality. She has a strong heart and that makes her emotional, and she doesn't try to hide it. That isn't to say she necessarily wears her heart on her sleeve, but her face and body language are very expressive and people who know her well can read her like the open book that she is.
Unlike others who close off when they're upset and need alone time to sort themselves out and feel better, Rinoa is the opposite. She turns to people when she's upset -- she feels better when she's with other people, not when she's alone. Rinoa does not want to be alone. She wants to be liked! When she feels isolated, ignored, alienated, etc., she'll try to do her best to gain or regain their approval. Should that fail or should she be thrust into a situation where she can't rely on other people, the strong, spirited young woman she is crumbles away and leaves behind a girl paralyzed with fear.
"Community" is very important to her. Wherever she goes, she (instinctively or not) tries to create a new family around her. She needs that sense of belonging and needs the people around her to be people that she can trust wholeheartedly. Rinoa has a knack for bringing people together thanks to her warm heart and friendly attitude, and this is what helps her build her "family." She very much believes in things like love and teamwork and camaraderie, and in her pursuit of such things, she incidentally winds up pushing them on the people around her, even if they're not particularly interested in them (*cough*Squall*cough*).
For all her bright smiles and sociability, Rinoa is also something of a... well, brat. She was raised an only child in a rich upbringing, so it's not surprising that the nickname among her old friends is "Princess." She tends to like things going her way and is very opinionated and vocal. When she's upset, she's not one to let something slide; she'll pick a fight with whoever crosses her, and this usually leads to her voicing her idealistic mindset, which only adds to her almost child-like nature. She is a rebellious one -- she ran away from home to fight against the very government her father works for, after all! She also doesn't hesitate to hide her frustrations with her father, often speaking scathing words about him whenever she gets the chance. But really, deep down, she doesn't hate him. She's just... a teenager, and the kind of person to stand by what she believes in, no matter the consequences.
This makes Rinoa a person of action. She'll set her mind on something and then she'll do it. However, because she's idealistic and doesn't really have a proper grasp on how the world really works yet, she has a tendency to get herself into trouble; the fact that she doesn't always think things through before jumping in headfirst doesn't help this any. Though her plans typically end up with her in a "open mouth, insert foot" situation, that doesn't mean they're not well-thought out. She is actually fairly thorough when it comes to putting things together, but her talent is in that: putting things together. This makes her a great manager, but that doesn't necessarily mean she can't get her own information and resources. If she wants something, she'll do what she can to get it. She is able to rely on her network of connections to get things done, even if her initial concept is flawed. "Stupid idea, brilliant execution."
First-Person Sample:
Heeeey! Is this thing on? Is it working? Good!
Soooo, umm. I'm Rinoa Heartilly, and I'm pretty much lost. Last thing I remember was being in a car with my, umm, friends. We were headed from... Galbadia to Balamb Garden. Can anyone tell me how I can get there from here? Wherever... here is? We must've gotten separated... somehow... [Maybe this is that memory-loss-side-effect-from-using-GFs thing she's heard about. Maybe not, though. She doesn't remember hearing about anything like this happening. She means, it's pretty recent stuff.]
Squall? Zell? Are you guys somewhere around here, too? [Please be okay...]
Third-Person Sample:
It didn't take long for Rinoa to get set up in the hotel, and it didn't take long for her to start poking around in her new room, either. When she opened the drawers to her dresser, she didn't really expect to find anything. Well, maybe mothballs or something like that. But she was surprised to find not only mothballs in the drawer, but... shorts.
Leather shorts, made for guys, Rinoa guessed. (She could figure from the way the front was built.) She carefully picked a pair up with just the forefingers and thumbs of her hands, just in case it wasn't... sanitary. There were suspenders that came with them, and also some weird cross-piece in (presumably) the front.
"Weird..." Rinoa tilted her head, shifting her hands so that she held the shorts up by the straps so she could look at the clothing properly. "Who in the world would actually wear this?" She giggled to herself. "They don't look all that fashionable..." Well, that answered that. Someone with bad taste would!
Despite what she just said and her previous thoughts on the possible lack of cleanliness, she kind of had the urge to try them on. She could tell they're too big for her, though. Oh, well. She dropped the shorts back in the drawer and pushed it closed, deciding that she should move on and explore the rest of the room.
Unfortunately, she didn't discover anything else nearly as exciting as the weird, ugly shorts. Huh... What was she going to do with them? Maybe she would take them to the hotel's front desk. The hot old guy with the eyepatch who ran the hotel might put them in some kind of a... lost and found or something. (Then again, maybe he'd wear them. They'd go horribly with that stupid floral shirt he was wearing, and the fact that he even chose that kind of a shirt proved that he just had bad taste. Pity, that. Hot guy, bad clothes.)