So, finally I decided to make my journal friends only. Only my posts about my life and such, not my fanfics or icons. Anything fanfic related or graphics related is still open to everyone. But I decided to make the rest friends only simply because I'd rather not have people I don't know reading through my entries because I am paranoid. Mainly because there's a few things in my journal, especially things that have happened over the past year that are private and I don't want everyone reading about it. That, and a lot of the stuff I posted a few years ago is really rather silly, and embarrassing, as I was young younger and stupid. Hence, I don't want everyone who stumbles across my journal reading crap that I posted years ago. ;)
But, if anyone wants to friend me, just leave a comment here and I'll most likely add you. You can tell me a bit about yourself if you want, and if you're in any of the fandoms I'm in, that sort of thing so I can see that we have something in common. :)