Hey! I'm still alive~! *invokes Portal 2 ending song xD* LJ's been wonky lately on my end, or maybe it's my internet. *shrugs* We really should get DSL for the house one of these days. Had a bit of fun around Rapture last Saturday because I was on my way home at 6pm and I looked up at the sky for five minutes, before going "Huh. Just like May 6 2000." and went off my merry way.
Recently I keep falling asleep the moment I get home. It's very annoying, because it throws me off schedule. :| I've been meaning to test the sewing machine again and practicing for a skit for the next Toycon but - *shrugs* We only have less than a month or so to go.
Random thought: It's a good think Hetalia's and HikaGo's timelines are at odds, or you can imagine Shindou invoking
Poland's rule during haya-go with Fukui:
Shindou: I won't give up!
Fukui: Hey, I know what you're up to!
Shindou: Poland's rule!
Fukui: That's cheating!
Shindou: Nu-uh. It's gonna be my turn forever!
Fukui: Let me invoke Estonia's rule then: SHINNNNDOOOOOOUUUU~!
(Obviously this will never work in canon, or with Touya I have no idea if Hikaru would even try.)
Rec for the day:
APH fancomic HRE-Germany goes to Venice to see North Italy during Carnivale.