May 22, 2014 01:15
It's funny how time marches on, and things change. I was doing my once or twice a year LJ check and checking up on my friends and came upon a comment that said to the effect of..
"I miss people. 6 or 7 years ago, I had so many friends online and now, when I'm lonely, there's only silence."
I know how that feels. It's funny; strange even, that people who you can't imagine being without become increasingly silent and then fade away.
I don't mean to sound depressive, quite the opposite . . people develop interests, life takes them places as school turns into careers, and children, and a thousand other things. Friends come, and friends go, but you still wonder what happened to Larry, or Sam, or Susan.
Memories remain fresh as ever, and you think.. gosh, it's been a decade since I've seen Larry. I remember when . . . and so on and so forth, and it's an interesting thing to think that Larry has likely turned into a completely different person than you might remember.
I've had my times; wonderful times. I do an amazing job living on the ragged frontier of Canada. I've had my ups and downs with it, left it, come back to it, left it again and come back again, but something in the rugged, frozen north has gripped me like I always thought the sea would.
I lead a wonderful life, and have a wonderful lady to share it with. There's been a lot of turmoil in my life... but I'm happy, and found out eventually that the one thing to it that's been key was learning to love myself and who I am. When you can do that, everything else comes from it.
That's about as much of an update as I have, non-specific as it is... in case anyone ever clicks on this lonely LJ, curious as to what happened to me.
I'm well, and I hope you are too.
Here's to all you lads and lasses, ghosts of the past and friends that have headed down their own paths in life -- I haven't forgotten you.