Sep 02, 2004 18:12
Yeah so ive been thinking alot (not always a good thing), so bare with me here on this one. It may be a longer entry then anticipated but i dont really give a flying rat arse.
OK so it seems like everyone around me in a relationship is breaking up, or there falling apart, or they dont know whats going on. Take my friends lil sister for instance. The other night her boyfriend told her he wanted to take a break. Which is understandable considering he moved and didnt get to see her that often. She was in tears the whole night. Finally we took her to her work about 10pm so she could stay the night with a friend. Well today, wheni went to the high school to pick up my year book (which wasnt worth the 50$ spent) i saw her and she told me they are now officially over. And there is no chance of them getting back together. That was sad news.
Then i have two close friend of mine fighting with one another. Over some stupid he said/ she said shit, and a promise being broken. I dont know what hte hell they are fighting for. It seem really ridiculous to me. ONe is blaming the other for breaking a promise and saying that its all their fault, when in reality, it was the both of them that caused it. The blame shouldnt be set on just one person. TWO of them were involved. As it is with most fights. And though i dont like ot be invilved in things like that i did. And now the one being blamed for everything has told me it was all his fault but in all reality it was only half his fault. Though that proably make her feel better him thinking it was.
And then i got to thining about my friends. Recent ones and others ive known for ever. They've always been there for me, especially when i needed a shoulder to cry on. It mkes me happy knowing that i know they will always be there for me. Then there are the friends that i know, but rarely get to talk to which make me sad: Like Becky, Brittany, Luaren, Meghan, Bob, and especially Chris. I think its been almost a year since i last heard from him. And that makes you think. Out of all the people you know, or will ever know, how many of them will you actually continue to talk to when your life truely starts. LIke when i graduate college. If i move to San Deigo to work at the zoo, hw many people from cleburne will i still bein contact with. I mean, will Sarah and Sean still be moving out there with me. Will it just be me and Sean like it was planned at the begining of the summer, or will it just be me, making the journey on my own? Things like that make you wonder. And to all my friends i hope i keep in touch with all of you, even after we all get married, have kids, move away, and have lives of our own to attend to.
And i mean that with all my heart.
And on a happier note. I got a job today and i start tomorrow. Ill be working at the Wright PLaza Cafe if anyone chooses to visit me. And maybe if i put alot of effort into it and work hard ill be able togo across the street in October when they open up their bar. That would be awsome. And hopfully after few months of saving, my aunt will have finalized her devoorce and let me buy her car, since she wants a new one. And hopfully shell sell it to me cheap like she promised.
"Old soilders never die. They just disapear."- General McAuthor.