I love pic spams and I really wanted to do one for Twilight. I loved this trailer and I think the movie is going to be awesome. :D I won't talk long up here but I can't promise you that in the actual picspam. :D Please do not edit or hotlink any of these images. Thank you and I hope you enjoy.
01. DUDE, HE IS EVEN LEANING AGAINST HIS VOLVO! I am glad they started the trailer out like this because I could totally write “Stupid shiny Volvo owner” on an icon. I haven’t actually done it yet but it got me very excited. I actually did squee in the middle of a hotel lobby and I think I made a fool of myself in front of a pretty hot Canadian guy. It doesn’t matter I will always have Edward.
I went a little off the point there. Well, it is a good way to open the trailer. I don’t think non-fans would get why it is a good opening. I don’t even have much of a reason myself other than the one stated above. I actually kind of like the camera angle. I like how we are seeing it from Bella’s POV. I must say, Edward looks amazing, even though he is kind of small from all the way up there.
02. I don’t really think there is a reason for this picture. But is a reason really needed? I have figured this picture out. Shut up if you figured it out too. I want to feel special. Edward is running for a ball hit by Emmett (who Esme crowns like Best Hitter when she is talking to Bella) and Edward catches it because Edward is like the Flash!
For a picture that is just here for enjoyment I have a lot to say about it.
Now I have to bring one thing to attention here. Robert’s hair. Isn’t it amazing. I just want to run my hands through it. His hair is even better than Patrick Dempsey’s. This picture of his hair sparked up my Target dreams again. These Target dreams are when I meet Robert Pattinson in various parts of Target. It usually ends with me fainting but this time I met him in the hair department. I asked if I could touch his hair and I did touch his hair, but then I fainted.
I wonder why I meet him in Target all the time? Why would the Robert Pattinson be in Massachusetts?
03. Yes, I know we have already seen this in the first trailer but I love this moment. I love how Robert looks even though this screencapture doesn't really show it. This screencap makes him look like a DJ that is really into the beat and he just happens to be saving a girl at the same time.
SUPRISE! I don't think I really have anything to say about this except......IT WAS AN ADRENALINE RUSH! I actually looked up adrenaline rushes. It was pretty interesting. I must say I learned a lot...Thank you, Edward.
04. I must say, I like Kristen as Bella. Her facial expressions for the most part are really good for Bella. Like this one, she is piecing everything together so she looks confused and it looks like she is going through possibilties. I also thinks she looks like Bella. Not exactly what I imagined but she does have Bella qualities. She's very pretty but she's not drop dead gorgeous. Kristen looks like the girl you sit next to in English. My only problem with her is that her voice sometimes lacks emotion. In this part her voice is less monotone but I will point out the emotionalless parts.
05. LIKE ZOMG! They are about to touch............BUT NO! Edward has to pull away. I want to know what were they both reaching for. Was it each other? Was it the volume control? Did anyone else see the spark? Or the fireworks? I like this moment. It showed how right they are for each other. It showed the electricity there is between them.....I hope they show the Biology scene when they are watching the movie.
06. *laughs* She is so "LIKE OMG!"
07. *hyperventilates* *dies* OMG! That is like a perfect Edward face. Its so conflicted! It is filled with hatred for himself. Robert is amazing. Seriously! That is a perfect Edward face! Nice job, Spunk! I don't think anyone knows how much I screamed when I saw this image. It is just so perfect. It makes me feel hope that this movie will be at least OK. It gives me hope. Jasper found hope with Alice. I found hope with this picture of Edward.
*WARNING: ROBERT'S HAIR TALK AGAIN* Even though we really can't see his hair here, it looks amazing. Robert died his hair for the role and I must say, it looks great on him. I think I like it better than his old hair color. When we marry or when we meet in Target again, I will tell him.
08. Are you scared? *dies*
09. You know how I said I would tell you when I needed more emotion in Kristen's voice? Well, HERE IS THE PLACE. Now, you are telling the love of your existance that you are only afraid of losing them and you speak in monotone. I am sure all the Twilight fans could say it much better and we would most likely really mean it. This is the only thing that is bothering me about the movie. I need more emotion. I need to feel your pain. */bashing* Sorry for that but thats just my opinion.
I like both of their faces in this. KStew is sporting a very Bella like face. And RPattz is just looking tortured and that makes him like 700 more times sexier than he already is. That is saying something too.
10. Why can't I go on a walk with Edward? Why can't I dream about that and not meeting RPattz in Target? I want to meet RPattz in the middle of the woods and not just any woods. I want to meet him in the Forbidden Forest Thats what I want to dream about.
I really like Edward's jacket. His clothes are like...awesome.
I really like this camera angle too. I love angles like this. Cartherine uses them a lot. The camera was slanted during like all of Thirteen. I think she is doing a great job directing this and I really appreciate her enthusiasm. Its always good to have a person who actually likes the book directing the film. I think she is a fangirl like the rest of us. She is always so...excited during all of her interviews thats why I love watching her interviews.
11. Seriously, that went out of style years ago and I don't even think fur ones were ever in style. I hope they never do come in style. If I ever see someone walking down the street wearing that, I am going to think "VAMPIRE!". I don't know if I would ask them to bite me so I can meet the Vampire I am going to marry or run for my life so I can stay alive to marry Robert.
I like Laurent's hair. *giggles* I bet he was from Jamaica. Jamaican people are cool.
13. Guess running wasn't the best idea.
I just have to point this out. I don't remember killings like this happening in Twilight. I think they mixed the two books up. I mean I only have read these books 10 times but I do believe killing like these weren't mentioned to NEW MOON.
14. I don't know why but I always pictured Charlie bald. I never even thought that he had a mustache or any hair on his head. I kind of pictured him like the Principle in Danny Phantom without the wierd facial hair. I don't know why but thats kind of how I pictured him. This guy doesn't look bad though.
15. Bella is thinking, "Charlie, animals attacking people doesn't happen until New Moon. What are you talking about?"
16. *laughs* I think he looks better this way...
If James was real and he saw that, I think I would be dead right now.
17. I love this part. I love Edward's face. It's like a "I will kill you if you come any closer look". It is pretty hot. I really want the hat that Bella is wearing. I would wear that when I play softball.
I really like this picture if you can't tell.
18. You know you enjoyed the last picture... :D Awww, Edward looks scared. I think it's a scared expression that is...
19. Okay, you have to say that you flinched when you saw this part of the trailer. A second earlier Edward's pretty face was there and we all relaxed and then.....WHA!!!!!!!
A scary vampire is trying to eat me....I mean Bella. It was a shock.
It's not that scary. I just wanted to say WHA!!!!!
I like this guy as James. He's kind of hot in a maniac way and he plays the character well.
20. Well, I have to show Carlisle some love.
21. Again, faces are perfect. Edward looks very stoic and it looks like Bella can't sit still. I love this picture. It has to be in my top ten Twilight pictures.
22. I don't think I need to say anything here...
23. I love how Bella looks like she is asleep. I think thats why I like this cap so much. Ok...I told my mom I would stop being dirty but I lied. She'll never find out. I still have to open up the internet for her.
If they wanted to make Twilight Land, this could be a ride. I don't know how they would make it but I think it would be popular. Hire guys that look like Edward, hook them to wires, stick girls on their backs, and have the guys jump from tree to tree. I think it would be a very popular ride. I would feel bad for the Edwards...kind of.
24. All I could think of when I saw this was "James is watching you undress." I'm sorry but he looks like he is watching a girl undress. If he came out of nowhere like that all of the time, I would be scared to death. You know what I just thought? James kind of looks like an elf here, like one from Lord of the Rings. He's like Legolas with facial hair. His ears are like shooting out.
25. I really think I should be Twilight rocker...I have a great singing voice and my song writing skills are amazing.
I'm kidding. I can't sing or write songs.
I really think this scene will be really close to the book and I am so happy for that. James has his camera and everything. I really like the Ballet Studio. In the film, we are going to see everything we didn't read about because Bella passed out. I really want to see the rest of the Cullens fight. And then we will get to watch James burn! I think it will be pretty cool.
26. My dad thought this part was cool. I am dragging my whole family to see this so I am glad he thought one part was cool. :D I am even dragging my 11 year old brother.
I hope you enjoyed. :D Feel free to comment. I would love to hear your thoughts.