So, Um, Hi.

Apr 07, 2006 19:46

It's been long enough since I've updated this journal, hasn't it? Thought I'd update while the children are busy making a mess in the living room...which will be a pain to clean but at least I'm being left alone for the present.

Man, I cannot believe that it's been nearly an entire year since A2 was born. Where did the time go? Now he's this curly-haired little fellow who delights in driving big brother crazy. Today they had a very weird conversation (if you could call it that...):

A1: A2! My name is A1! You should call me A1!
A2: Aaaaaah. Ah bah bah bah bah.
A1: No, A2! A1! Call me A1!
A2: (giggles)
A1: You know my name! Call me by my name! My name is A1! I'm your brother; you know my name! Your brother's name is A1!
A2: Eeeeeh, aaah. (squeaks)

A2's vocabularly consists of "mamamama" (frequently used when he wants something from me), "nana!" for food (it's an imperative, and he doesn't waste time with a long "nananaananana"), "dadadadadada" when he wants something from Daddy, and "uh oh" for nearly everything else possible, especially when he drops something.

I don't know 'bout the rest of you, but I've had all the tornadoes that I can take for at least the next decade. We seem to have a tornado warning every other day.

So. A more generalized update, eh?
1. I have a new computer -- hooray! :) I like my new computer but miss my old one. It was set up *just right* and had all my fonts and programs and all the little additions I'd made over the years. *sigh*
2. I will be moving to my own website in the very near future, I hope. My blog will be run on WordPress at that point. Also renamed and blah blah blah. I'm leaning towards making it a self-publishing effort; not a way to make money but just to have a place for my writings, whatever they may be. I'm also thinking about hosting other people's blogs there (haven't decided yet -- worried about potential $$ problems).
3. My husband is driving me crazy lately. Not crazy-mad or crazy-angry, but just crazy-rolling of the eyes with affection.
4. I never post in LJ but I'm always keeping up with everyone on my LJ flist. See? I even know LJ lingo. Not, admittedly, very much...but like the chicken pox virus, I'm always lurking. Hm. I might want to work on my similes...
5. Still living in the same town, in the same place, and doing the same things, day in and day out. Mondays are Public Library Days, Sundays are A1's School Day, and otherwise life is a blur of sameness. Taking care of children isn't really a dull task, but a lot of it is repetitive.
6. As a result of #5, I never have much new to report. If, in fact, you visit my blog, you'd discover that it's not so much about daily happenings as it is about whatever sort of mishy-mushy has percolated through my brain.
7. And because of #6, my LJ gets neglected...and will stay neglected for the foreseeable future.
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