(no subject)

May 09, 2005 19:34


I am updating. I am amazing.

Have just OFFICIALLY finished my application to Gulf Coast Community College (and there was much rejoicing). I'm SO STINKIN STOKED. They said 1-2 weeks before I actually know anything... so here's fingers crossed and PLEASE LORD JESUS I'd be oh so happy to get in. Especially because, well, I don't have to pay for it hee.

Here's what happened Thursday last week:
got off work to drive to Destin (almost 2 hours) to wait in the office of this 'skin specialist' for almost 2 hours more to have this freak lady call me into her OFFICE (not a doctor's room, and office) and tell me that I'm a loser moron and I totally wasted my day and she can't do anything until I go BACK to Tyndall (1/2 hour drive) for blood tests. Then had to drive all the way BACK home (2 hours again + 30 for an accident in the whole road) and was very unhappy. hmph.
Here's what else happened Thursday last week:
Am hesitant to disclose this next tidbit of information, as it is not close to official yet, but I figure maybe people might like to remember that God watches out for the little guy.
my mom came home from dropping off the kids and said this lady she knows saw her and looked up and said 'thank you' and my mom said 'who are you thanking' and the lady said 'we are looking for a female around 20 years old who loves God and is interested in youth ministry to come and be our associate youth pastor, and when I saw you I thought about your daughter!' so my mom told me and I TOTALLY freaked out b/c this is such like the most perfect thing for me EVER and so God and yeah, there was much rejoicing. So I called the lady, talked to her, left a message w/ the sr. pastor today, and who knows? maybe my life isn't meant to be meaningless after all!!!

Mother's Day weekend:
Took the childrens to see Robots (yes, again, b/c Sarah didn't want to see Hitchhiker's Guide and Michael didn't want to see Miss Congeniality 2 and neither of them could see Kingdom of Heaven). It's just as awesome the 2nd time, in case you're wondering. Of course, Strongbad still makes me laugh (here comes the thnikkamaaaaaaaaan!)
Yesterday morning we went to Golden Corral for breakfast before church (MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM). I bought "Phantom of the Opera" for my mom for MDay and watched in all afternoon, it is amazing and I lurve it. Cameron came all the way here after work & we all ate yummy drizzle cakes & watched National Treasure (also better the 2nd time). He had to leave around 10 b/c he had to work at 6 this morning (poor brovah).

All in all, awasomay weekend. Best I've had in a long long time.

I'm something of a happy camper, and it's a nice change. hee :)

luvya'll B.

"Aunt Fanny, we were doing ours with our arms!!!"
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