Mar 13, 2004 23:20
ALright here is the scoop of today, cuz I don't feel like writing everything about last week, wait except the one funny part; Kaity, Molly, Lisa, Kara and I went to Borders and look at the Karma Sutra books and had way to fun joking about them, inside joke kind had to be there ya know? We had fun showingf the pics to people........kinda like Sam in NY did with the porn articel hahahahah!
and Kristan and I had fun later playing with the chickens in walmart that danced and sang the chicken song...good times!
-go ready for my trip to Thailand
-go my nails done (there pretty now hehehehe)
Went to coldstone with Lisa and met up with Brandon.
- decided we want food cuz we were hungery so we went to villa pizza.
- stay there awhile and then met up with Kara, Erin, Kyle and Kellen.
- went to Brandon's house to get ice cream toppings, cuz were cheap like that
- went to Lisa's for ice cream, once again cuz we're cheap like that.
- fooled around watched and movie and ate ice cream.....yum!
*I leave for Thailand in a coupkle of hours........way excited!
* I get to miss a week of school and then I come back and its 3 days before spring break!
* My birthday is March 18(this thrusday), I leave the country 17 and come back 18!
* U should all commets and sing me happy birthday (hint hint), o and presents can be mailed to me on request of my address hehehehehe
***be back March 23, till then so long and don't miss me to much!!!!
Comment to make me feel special and leave me a sweet birthday suprise hehehehe