Jan 31, 2004 23:18
Friday- Kristan came over and got me, then we drove forever and a day to Chris's house.....but he was well worth the drive. We fooled around there for awhile and had some great conversations(chris I still don't buy the fact that the fruity lotion was Nicoles hahahaha). After that we went to King Soopers for food, Kristan claimed it was healther then any fast food place....although we ended up getting qusida rolls and buffalo wings,so I don't know how health it really was. We went to Josh's house and hung out and watched some skater movie, forgot the name, but it wasn't 2 shabby. I came home and crashed!
Saturday- Slept in...haven't done that in awhile, it felt great! After I worked out and got all cleaned up, Lisa came over and we went to Juice Stop for our SALT Meeting, which took way to long. After we had fun driving to her house with the icy roads (stupid snow). After that we went to Ci Cis pizza for dinner....yum! We had a lot of fun joking around and Lisa had fun freaking me out about seeing someone certian....We ended up have great "adult" conversations as Kristy called them. We eventually went to the closer movie theatre(although it was Lisa and mines idea Eric took all the credit). We saw The perfect score.....awesome movie, the stoner kid was hilarious! U should all see it!
Alright theres another long entery......exciting huh? But something that is exciting is I got accepted to 2 of the 7 schools I applyed to this week....YAY!!!! 2 down, 5 more to go! Ya I know I'm crazy so sue me!