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Oct 29, 2005 17:19

last week i read a commentary letter to the editor in the Lowell Sun about how PETA doesn't give people choices and are pretty much nazi's when it comes to wearing fur. The man said that people who didnt agree with PETA"S views were tormented by PETA members and that PETA wouldnt accept anyone's choices but their own... for a moment I thought to myself, well, what that man is saying makes sense, they are pretty forceful when trying to get their meanings across. I mean, yes, they are speaking for someone/thing that cant speak for themselves, but that is exactly what abortion-rights activitst say they are doing... and thats not right at all... maybe it is better to let people decide to wear fur jackets and pocketbooks and do what they want...

then i read this:


and i remembered that people aren't doing those things to fetuses so I shouldn't even compare the two.

now im not saying im a hypocrite. I have some leather shoes.. i like uggs... i eat chicken and very very rarely, even a piece of red meat. there needs to be a balance of things sometimes, especially when it comes to your health. but we can make consicous decisions. i wont buy fur. i buy free range meat, eggs and milk when I can. the leather shoes i have are ones I have bought awhile ago, or a gift. is that enough? no! but its better than nothing.... I get PETA activites in my email a lot. if anyone would be interested in joining me in some of the protests, let me know and ill give you some dates!
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