Aug 11, 2010 23:36
It's been a while since I was on here, so I thought I drop in and check on all my friend's pages. So, has anyone ever been totally bummed out by one or more family members?
"Duh" says the crowd of 6.5 billion.
Ugh, seriously. I've got the worst writers block in history, and I have a suspicion it's because of all the stress at home. It's pretty bad when you consider your work place, where you're on your feet for 12 hours of the day, a relief. Me and my mom are like male rams in rutting season...seriously we bash heads all day long. Interestingly, I suspect it's because we are equally stubborn, albeit, I at least have an easier time of admitting I'm wrong about something. Mother on the other hand would rather be roasted on a spit with a stake of holly through her heart (ten brownie points for whoever can guess the reference!). No, seriously, the woman has actually stated that she is NEVER WRONG about anything. Really? I mean, REALLY?!.
Ok, that's enough.