
Mar 14, 2009 15:18

It's been a while. Umm...woke up this morning coughing so hard blood came out too. Eww! Also, am house sitting, and two of the dogs I am watching sleep right on/next to me, curled up on either side of me, and it's hard to move, so now my back hurts like the devil. Luckily I only have a few days left, so gassy dogs that steal the bed won't be an issue much longer.

Just talked to Chloe for about an hour. I miss her so much. She is having issues with her endometriosis again, so they are trying another treatment, which if it doesn't work, will either follow with them getting pregnant ASAP or her having a hysterectomy. :( I just wish she lived closer, so I could help with Keelyn, and to just see her like I used to in high school.

On MOnday (The day from hell) saw an example of amazing kindness and amazing cruelty.

The whole day was busy, just crazy crazy. I told Brian I needed to take a little bit longer than normal lunch hour so I could go take care of the dogs and then come back (Their house is in Golden.) I'm pulling out of the clinic when I see Erica and Tyler walking in, so of course I turn off my truck and go see what is wrong. Their cat had had kittens four weeks before, and they had found one dead an hour ish ago, and not knowing what to do had packed up all of the kittens and come to the clinic. So I go back inside and get them going. Two of the kittens were dehydrated, adn one of htem was SUPER skinny. The other two were fine. Turns out the two biggest have been bullying the others and not letting them drink as much, so the female got too dehydrated adn expired. Gave the babies fluids, exam etc, bill was like a hundred bucks, which I just put on my account and said no big, hit me back when you can. The lady behind them was curious, adn I know it was umnethical, but I told her a little bit of what happened, adn she offered to pay half of the bill right off. I asked her a few times if she was sure,a nd she said yes, so she paid half of the bill right there. Amazing kindness from stranger to stranger. Renewed my faith in human compassion.

Then, at 6 when we close someone pokes their head in the door to see if we are closed. Yes, but what happened? Oh, our dog was hit by a car. Are you the owner? No but the owner is in the car. Bring them in let's check it out. Get it going, paperwork done, saw one of the girls fill out the paperwork and READ EVERY LINE, which I approved of since people rarely do. Turns out the dog was hit THE NIGHT BEFORE and they waited until he banks had closed for the day to try to scam a free exam out of us. I stood my ground and no, you have to pay, over phone by credit card or by check, we can wait. Finally, they got a credit card over the phone and paid for the exam. Their dog was a shithead little terrier mix that owuldn't let anyone but them touch it, had an obvious large bruise on the right hind leg, and I think it's damn leg was broken, but no, they had to wait 18 HOURS to get it help at all. Assholes. Stupid assoley bitches.

Also, Alexa flaked on us for letting us have our birthday party at her house. Two months or so ago while drunk i had asked her if we could have our party at her house, the answer was "Yeah, that would be awesome, cool, hell yeah". I had a feeling she would flake so I texted her yesterday to see if it was still okay. "Well, not if it's a friday". No, it would be Saturday the eighteenth. "Well I have to talk to Jason. How many people". It's your house, you tell me. "Jason isn't too fond of the idea. Sorry. Love you though". ..... "R u mad?" Yeah, a little. I understand but still. "Well, why don't you have it at your house?" My house is small and my neighbours totally hate me "Well we don't want a lot of people we don't know here and we don't want to make our neighbors mad"........Cool. Then you should have said NO TWO MONTHS AGO when I first asked. I understand and all, I'm just irritated that she couldn't just be straight with me the whole time. What the hell? I still don't know if she actually expected me not to be mad. Whatever. So Kiki and I are on a hunt to find a friends house we can do it at. Ryan said sure but he would want it to be under 20 people. Well...I odn't know that I can do that. SO we will see I guess.

Also, the store STILL isn't closed. I just...want it to be over. i am tired of working every day, of expecting to be able to actually et something done with my house and SIKE, no you don't get time off silly. I am sick of working all day every day and not being able to do hardly anything for myself. I want to be able to spend more time with my animals, with my man,just doing things for me. Is that so wrong?

THe nieghbors/HOA are assholes, we are going to be moving. Lakewood animal control apparently recently changed their animal laws, for two cats/three dogs thrre cats/two dogs and however many small animals/birds/etc to five animals. Period. Clearly we are not in compliance, but when I moved in there, I had asked animal control the legal amount you can have. ANd they won't answer their phone now, I have gotten their answering machine during working hours several times during the past few days. Assholes. Also, now you must have your dogs on a leash and a poop bag IN YOUR HAND with your dogs, otherwise you will be fined. This is Lakewood law, not the HOA, but the way the presented it to us...was very aggravating. I am sick of being looked down on by our asshole neighbors because we are "just" renters and not owners. I am sick o fmy landlords shit being in my house (TWO YEARS NOW!!) and of my back door having a HOLE IN IT that they have ignored for a month now. What the hell?@!?!?!?

I just want to move and start somewhere else.
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