Thrift Store Find: Kitsch Painting

Nov 13, 2014 15:03

Scored this nicely framed kitsch print yesterday at lunch ($20, Millersville Goodwill).

Here is a better picture taken off eBay:

All the hallmarks of "High Kitsch," kitsch with pretensions to high art--faux Romantic pose, awkward posing, unnatural scene in a natural setting, titillation, odd proportions.  And the name of the artist--Vinciata (the pseudonym of a one Edwardian Virginian Joseph Wallace King)--adds to the pretension.  Of course the cherry of the top of this kitsch masterwork is the nipple--a faint yet undeniable nipple presenting itself on the model's right bosom.

Ah, the nipple.  A mediation upon public perception of the female nipple would be a good focal point to explore popular culture's views of sexuality from the twentieth century onwards.  It is such an innocent, harmless, and indeed hilarious looking thing--hard to believe the mountains made out of these molehills.

Much has been written about the difference between art and pornography, to little practical purpose.  But the humble nipple is a far simpler and more revelatory barometer.  My Art-Porn Nipple Index:

Explicit Nipple = Porn

Erased Nipple = Art

Vague Nipple = Kitsch


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