A programmer's inside joke, a UML diagram of a person drinking a cup of coffee (90 cents, New Hampshire Value Village).
Complete DVD collection of 60's Batman TV Series ($6, New Hampshire Value Village). POW! ZAP! SNICH!
Two jugs ($4, Goodwill Outlet), with inscriptions around their belly "FEDERAL LAWS PROHIBITS THE SALE OR RE-USE OF THIS BOTTLE." At first I thought perhaps this prohibition had something to due with maple syrup, but no, alcohol. From 1935 to 1964 all liquor bottles had to have this inscription in an effort to prevent bootlegging.
A guidebook for the South of France, 1926 (50 cents, Goodwill Outlet). After the war, before the depression, the age of Fitzgerald and Hemingway. Must contain at least 100 well-detailed maps.
Numechron Tymeter Clock ($2, Goodwill Outlet). Works, but makes a loud grinding sound (and has some rust on the front).
And probably the least attractive model of the brand ever made. Still I like it.
And a paperback with intriguing artwork (10 cents, Goodwill Outlet). I pick up 50's-60's scifi/detective pulp fiction paperbacks whenever I come across them.