More CJ pics :D

May 19, 2008 17:58

Here are some more baby pics.
He is one week old today, what an old man he is .. :D

Chloe playing Neopets, Like mother, like daughter. lol.

Sleepy Baby. :D

He may only have a little wind but that smile will break hearts.

Night Night.

Doting Sister. I love my kids. They're delicious.

He's so widgy!

I could just eat him. NummyNummy.

Anyway. I thought I'd post some more.

If I am honest my kids are the only things keeping me going right now. Every day so far there has been set backs and let downs. I am tired of having these feelings of 'having to pick myself up' all the time.
I think my kids are beautiful. There isn't one member of Martin's family who have bothered to make an effort with us since he has been born, the only one in my family who has bothered to make an effort is my mum.
Infact, we recieved more congratulations from tax credits this week than we have our own families. Which suck big fat hairy spotty ass. I am getting more pissed off by the day. I get up with a great attitude every day and some cunt pisses all over it. To be honest, I am about ready to beat the fucking shit out of one of them!

I have given up all manner of smoking. I don't miss it. Infact, I am pleased with myself and I didn't realise just how much I didn't need it at all. But I don't and I am glad I don't miss it. I have smoked for the best part of 7 years and I don't need it anymore. Two fingers up to those traps, and that's what it was, a trap and I managed to get out. Yay me!? *sarcasm*

So fuck the world, fuck the people in it. Just fuck it in general really.

family, kids, love

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