HeLLo, I Lav Ya!♥

Apr 10, 2011 12:54

Hello, I Lav Ya!♥
Jinki + Taemin (OnTae);  Jinki + Minho (TofuHo)
Genre    :  Romance, Yaoi<3
Summary    : Jinki bumped Minho who was always obsesses him on the way to have a date with Taemin. Will Minho success
get Jinki and ruining their date?
Disclaimer  : I own all of them, but only in my wonderland~ <3


Taemin was having a tight siesta as his cell phone’s ringing loudly. His brows frowned deeply for minutes as he reached out

to grope around the bed sheet near him in attempted to find it, too lazy to open his heavy eyelids. He pressed the button

before brought it to his ear and mumbled an incoherent answer.

“Hello, Minnie?? Were you sleeping?? Uh, sorry for made you wake up..” His eyes snapped open instantly when he heard the

high melodious voice he loved so much with a little giggles were inserted.

“Ah!! Baby...!!!” The teen blushing red in a second as he noticed he had let out a half yelp tone in excited “Uh, sorry...”

“It’s okay, babe... I’m glad to heard that” The elder boy burst in a happy laugh for his boyfriend enthusiasm -which made

the younger’s cheeks got much warmer, then the man continued in a bit nervous tone while asking him to the point, “Um...

err... are you busy this evening??”

“No, I’m free... why??” Taemin sat up. He couldn’t hide his super duper huge smile which had stretched across his face, felt

like thousands butterflies burst in, filling his stomach. He could guess what the next words his lover would say.

“Oh, great!!” relief coloring his bright voice “Wanna go out for having a dinner and watched some movies with me??”

“Yes! Of course!! What time we’ll go??” He tried his best to not sound like he’s higher in zest despite that’s what he felt.

“I’ll pick you up at o4.oo pm, is it ok??”

“Okay!! See you later, babe!!”

The sweet lovely voice from the magnae brought another happy giggles from the eldest, “Yeah, Okay! See ya!!”


“You better go bath now, than dancing around the room like that!” Taemin’s towel flew over the room and landing right on

his face. “You’ll have a date with Jinki this evening, right?

“Key!!” Taemin shouted, seeing the older boy’s standing near his desk, holding his mobile phone. “Hey, don’t read my

messages, it’s private you know?! Give it back!!”

“You can’t hide it from your umma, deary~. I could have just guessed it by reading your weird so happy acts suddenly.” Key

pushed his dongsaeng’s back, shoving him toward the bathroom in his room. “Now hurry up and go bath, umma will help you

make up~~”

“It’s no need, key!! It’s just a usual date.”

“No no!! I will not let you appear bad, dear~ umma will make you awesome~~ so took a bath quickly, okay! I will have a date

with Jjong afterward” Key kept pushing the struggling younger to take a bath. His Excited tone was so bold.

“Ughh…  that’s why I don’t wanna tell you…” Taemin closed the bathroom door, surrender.


Jinki walked bouncily in happy, almost like dancing through the corridor of the apartment towards right to Taemin’s room.

He wore a simple white t-shirt which covered by cool blue jeans jacket and tight sweatpants. He’s so happy and couldn’t

help to curling smiles over his lips -which made everyone he met on the way staring at him with rising eyebrow and curious

eyes. Taemin’s cute cheery face appeared before his eyes every time he saw the bouquet of flowers which he’d brought

specially for him. He’s going to have a first date with his lover. Oh Geez!!! he couldn’t stop the bubbles filling his heart,

nervous was mixed at the same time.

He stopped, tried to calm himself down when he got closer to the empty corridor toward Taemin’s room. He had planned to

give the flowers to his beloved boyfriend surprisingly when he opened the door for him. For that, he had practiced few

times too on front of the mirror a day before, to give it sweetly and say “I love you” as a little surprise greet.

But he wanted to try again before he did the real one. So, made sure really there’s no one else around there -it’s always

empty in the times- he cleared his throat. Closed his eyes, he imagined Taemin’s there, in front of him. “I love you, babe,” He

gripped the flowers tightly, stretching out his arms to the empty space, or he thought so...

“I love you too, hyuuuung~...!!”

Huh??!!! His eyes shot open instantly when a husky voice sang sweetly into his ears, a pair of hands gripped his fingers

which hold the flowers. He jumped as he saw a tall handsome figure standing right in front of him with a wide shy smile

plastered on his blushing face.

The young boy wore a black shirt with a hood and a match skinny jean behind a black coat. It looked like he just came back

from outside.

“M-Minho??” W-Why--” The caramel haired boy stuttered in embarrassed, confused why he’s there all of sudden, when did

he come?? He’s sure he’s alone few seconds ago.

But before he could finish, the handsome guy cut his words “Oh, you’re so sweet hyung~” his eyes sparkled brightly while

staring at the flowers in Jinki’s clutched-palms. Jinki hoped to see it of course, but not in this guy’s eyes surely.

Ooppss...!! Danger!!!! The eldest drew out his hands from Minho’s hold in time he got what the mean, an alarm ringing a

warning in his head “Uh... sorry Minho, it’s for Taemin” he said fast, but ended up in wincing, seeing the other expression

dropped into a pout. Sunny smile, glowing eyes had disappeared. A guilty crawled up in his heart, it seemed his words had

hit him hard.

“You can’t!! You just said it’s for me!!!” his tone’s high in protest.

“I didn’t ...!! I-I meant, I was just-... I planned to say it to Tae, you know what I meant?? I didn’t know you were here...” He

blabbered, confused what had to say, felt embarrassed creep up his face again but immediately gone when he saw his

frown went deeper.

“Okay, sorry... it’s for you.” The pain which had been sketched on the younger boy’s face really made him feel not good,

beside he didn’t want to argue further with the stubborn. He just picked few flowers from the bouquet then giving it to him.

He smiled sweetly, clutching it in his palm. Then, without waiting a reaction from the other, he said an excuse quickly,

really wanted to run away from him “Wah, got to go now... Sorry, I guess I’ve been late. Bye now!”
“Wait!!” The taller grabbed his wrist faster, pulled him closer “what did you say?? You’ll have a date with him??” The

flowers were forgotten. His black pearl orbs drilled sharply into his brown ones.

“Y-Yes... W-Why??”

Soon he regretted his words as he looked anger swirled in those dark eyes, he knew he’d let out the wrong answer. Minho’s

eyes stuck scarily on his in silent, his body and brain frozen under the taller’s cold sharp glare automatically.

“I go with you.” Minho stated, broken the silent. Clenching one arm to Jinki’s tightly.

“W-What???” The other man couldn’t believe his ears.

“I said I go to having a date with you both” His lips formed a wide smile again or a devil grin in Jinki’s eyes.

“No, You can’t!!” He shot an unbelieving glare, struggled to releasing his own body. Taemin’s definitely not going to like that

idea. “I-I meant not a date, I just come to help him in doing homework, he-he’s confused in some parts. So let me go now!!”

Although he’d struggled harder, Minho was bigger and stronger than him, his hold didn’t loosen even just a bit. All efforts

fell into fail as the well built-body boy pushed and pinned him onto the nearest wall. His body and strong arms trapped the

smaller man around.

“Never!! And yes I can!!” His gaze stabbed into Jinki’s widened eyes, face just centimeters away from the eldest and his

body pressing him hard to the cold wall. His hot breaths hitting over Jinki’s face, made like temperature around him

increasing fast. Buds of sweat formed, rolling down his back.

“You think you can fooling me huh?? If I didn’t go, you couldn’t either!!” His face leaned closer to catch Jinki’s lips. Could

read this, Jinki hurry up turned his head to aside, preventing it. But Minho was smarter, he brushed his lips onto Jinki’s

neck, tongue darting out to lick along his milky juncture, he even could feel the boy smirked in smug, then whisper teasingly

against his skin “Don’t leave me... You have no idea how much I love you, hyung. How if we make out together? Only you and

me... and you’ll feel it.”

“N-Not interested!! And... please S-STOOP~” his protest turned into a moan unconsciously as the brunette boy playing with

his earlobe. Cursing, he twisted his brain hard to find out an idea to get out of him. This pervert fuckin’ asshole really

sucking air out of his lungs.

“AH! KEY!!!” He shouted, looked over behind Minho’s back in enthusiast.

“Huh??!!!” Minho pulled back and turned around in surprised, made an enought distance between him and the other boy. He’s

kinda scared to Key, the diva always threw death glares to him and scolding non-stop “Don’t touch my son’s boyfriend, you

asshole!!!”  every time he saw him having his way with the eldest. And his boyfriend, JJong was always glad to help pinning

him onto the wall every time he refused to stop touching Jinki.

But there’s no one there. The taller boy’s eyes flew to everywhere, scanning along the corridor carefully once more, only to

get the same result.

Confused but puffed in relief, he turned his head back “Were you lying--“ just to find an empty space. Jinki was gone. He’d

tricked him of course and used the chance to run away. And Yeah, he could see him was running frantically to the corner,

turned toward Taemin room.

“You’ll be dead when I got ya, hyung” Half gritted his teeth, he smirked, chuckling devilish, stepped forward to hunt him.

And maybe he would truly get him that time -Jinki’s not enough fast beside he’s a great sprinter, so you could see clearly

who’s would win of course. He would have caught him only in seconds if a loud angry voice didn’t blocking him.


O-ou... Shit!!!


Jinki stopped to catch a breath right on front of Taemin door, inhaled large amount of relief air as he looked back and

found no one go after him. He almost couldn’t believe he got away from him successfully, he’s not sure Minho would catch

him back easily. But he had no other choice, that idea was the one which popped in his brain that urgent time but luckily, it’s


He knocked the door quickly after controlled his breath, erased the sweats which glistening his face and smoothed his

shirt, frightened out that Minho could appear any time.

In a while, the door’s opened. His boyfriend face that he missing so much showed up in front of him with a wide sunny smile

which rising a spring in his heart. Jinki rushed in to hug him immediately, long and tight.

Taemin blinked in surprised, but grinning even brighter than before in his arms, felt his hyung comfy warm body that he

loved so much circling around him. It’s like hours before the older pulled out, he shooting a cheery smile but gaped slightly

next when he took a gaze at the pretty boy before him.

His long blonde hair’s gleaming in fluffy messy waves, falling softly around his neck, and framing his oval face perfectly.

White cute shirt wrapped his body, fit with his milky pure skin so much and tight hazel jeans hugged every curve of his

beautiful slender legs which made him look shinning like an angle. He couldn’t stop staring at the beautiful creature,

admiring him.

Taemin flushed red, flustered after long liked Jinki wouldn’t take away his eyes from him forever “I-It’s Key’s idea... Is it

weird?? Uh...Come in, I’ll change I guess” his voice brought Jinki back to reality, he caught his arm when the youngest

turned to leave “No, Don’t! his idea’s  brilliant then...you’re so pretty”

“Are u sure...??”

“100% Positive” Jinki smiled, brought the flowers before of Taemin’s face “For my angel” then plastered a butterfly kiss on

the magnae lips and whispered into his ear “Love you, babe!!”

“Wow!!” His face lit up seeing his favorite flowers. “Thanks babe~” Let out a happy giggles, he threw his arms around

Jinki’s neck to tug and nibble his bottom lips lovingly in longing kisses. Tasting his lover sweet lips, Jinki wrapped his arms

around Taemin’s small waist, held him closer as he titling his head to deepen the kisses.

But suddenly, a strong hand pulled Jinki backwards by his waist, forced him to break the kiss.

“Huh??” A small squeak jumped out from Jinki’s mouth while Taemin whimpered for the lost contact. The sudden action

causing the eldest man stumbled on his own feet. His back bumped a large hard chest, luckily long arms curling around his

torso, support his body and preventing him to fall.

Or maybe it’s not luck...

Jinki jaw dropped when he turned his head to see who the hell had ruined the moment. A big wolf smirk on a handsome face

greeted him, answered every question in his head. In a blink, he cursed himself, regret for forgot asking Taemin to close

the door first.

“What the fuck were u doing, hyung?!!”  Taemin frowned, protested out loud what’s in Jinki’s brain.

He’s so pevish, fed cause the brunette haired boy always ran in on and disturbed every lovey-dovey moments they had even

long before they became a lover. Minho was Taemin’s neighbour, his room wasn’t far from Taemin’s and also he’s the

magnae’s closest friend, they had been like brothers since they were little. But for the first time Minho met Jinki in the

youngest room, he fell in love with him in a flash at the first sight. And since then he didn’t stop chase after Jinki, clinging

onto him whenever and wherever he found him, didn’t care he was with Taemin or not. Even he never gave up after Jinki had

said like thousands times that he just liked him as a younger brother and was in love with Taemin, he always claiming Jinki

as his.

“You didn’t ask me out with you two.” Minho pursed his lips, shot an angry look as his hands wrapped around Jinki in a hug.

“No!! And will never!!” The youngest tugged Jinki out from the elder, circling arms around his neck possessively. He stuck

out his tongue in a mockingly “Sorry, hyung... but he’s my boy now!!”

“He-just-said-that-he-loves-me-too, so...” Put an underlined tone in every word, he pulled back the eldest from Taemin and

put him back into his tight hug. Then he rested his head in Jinki’s juncture, smirked so broadly in victory. “He~ is~ MINE~

too~ now!”

The tallest sing song voice liked a thunder in Jinki’s and Taemin’s ears. The youngest smile disappeared in a second. His

eyes widened as he shot his lover an unbelieving look.

“NO!!! I never-“

“Yes you did!!!! No, no, no! Don’t-ever-try-to-deny that you just gave me these flowers and said ‘I love you’ in the corridor!!”

Minho turned Jinki’s face to look right into his eyes, gave him his super pouts as Jinki wiggled, wanted to get out from his

death tight grips.

“I did, but-“

“See?? I’m not lying to you.” He cut the desperate defence from the light chocolate haired boy.
Taemin pouted, eyed the flowers in Minho’s hand then to his own, he looked so pissed off when he looked up at Jinki.

“DON’T BELIEVE HIM!! It’s not like that... I can explain..”  Jinki didn’t aware when Minho’s face drew closer this time, was

too busy flailing and wriggled for free, throwing his boyfriend a plea look. His loud whines were only shut up by the warm

lips of Minho’s moving on his, slowly but teasing. He darted his tongue to lick, sucked and bit his pink plush lips.

Taemin’s orbs liked gonna tossed out of its socket right then and there, his eyes got wider than ever. His expression liked

had been punched right on his face.

“Lying is not good, hyung! Now, there’s no one can disturb us~ <3” His smirk rose again, he whispered loudly between the


“Mmmpph..N-no.. Mi-Minho...” The smaller man wiggled harder, tried to push him away but never worked out. Minho took the

chance of his mouth open to thrust his tongue in, exploring and tasting the hot cavern of him, deepened the kiss. His arm

wandering his back, pulled him closer as the other moved to grasp his smooth light brown hair. Minho loved how he felt his

moving body pressed up against his.

Jinki’s lost then. He lost his strength, barely stop wriggling. Whimpers and moans which he couldn’t hold back flew out of

his mouth were so sweet in Minho’s ears.

Jealousy’s all written on Taemin’s face.  He stepped forward in anger and yanked Minho’s collar

harshly, causing Jinki stumbled back, nearly fall. But he put no care in focus to get rid the brunette boy of him as far as

possible. Both were gasping hard for the lack of the air. Minho had forgotten to breathe as he wanted feel more and much

more of him, it seemed he had forgot for let the other to take a breath too.

Taemin dragged the tallest one passing the living room as he yelled protests “What the hell, Taemin?? Let me go!!!”

“Taemin...” Jinki chased after behind them as the magnae hardly lugged the struggling boy towards his bedroom, tried to get

Taemin’s attention to explain everything.  Taemin pushed Minho into before turned his head to his lover, sent a thousand-

daggers-glare to him “Stay out there!!”

He stopped his tracks, gulped seeing his lovely magnae burning in fury, gosh! he couldn’t say how scary he was, his voice out

stuttering as he tried to speak “b-but..”

But he couldn’t reach any further from that. Taemin’s glaring intense sharper and Jinki’s mouth fell close sadly as he took

the sign as just- shut-up.

“We have to talk, hyung!!” The blonde haired boy turned his attention to Minho fast, shoved him back to the room when he

started walk forward to get back Jinki. With his arms akimbo, he used his own body to block him.

“What do you want, huh??” The short haired boy snorted while Taemin shot a killer look at him, he rolled his eyes, fold his

hands on his chest. “Don’t even think to stop me, cause you will never ever be able to keep me away from him”

It’s clear to Minho that he’s much stronger than that small boy and could shove him away so easily to take Jinki with him. But

Taemin had another plan...

“Oh yes, I can!”

And without a warning, in a super flash Taemin pushed him hard with all his strength till Minho fell backward with loud

thud, yank the key from the lock, pulled the door closed and locked it as he out from the room.

“Oh, fuck... Open the door, Taemin-ah!!!” Minho got up quickly but it was too late. He banged the door rapidly.

“Never!!” He smirked satisfied

“Open it!!! Or I swear I’ll kick ur fucking ass when I get out!!...”

“Oou…..” A word Jinki could say in amazed of the sudden Taemin’s action. Now he knew why he told him to stay away.

Taemin turned around, ignoring the loud sounds of breaking wood and cursing were steaming from the closed door, to

facing his stunned boyfriend.

“Now, your turn…” The angry magnae simply said as his eyes glinted dangerously, taking slow steps toward Jinki.

“Eh…uh, wait! Wait!! Please, listen…” the eldest was pulled back to really, taking steps backwards and put hands upon his

chest as to defend himself as Taemin moved closer. Stuttered and spluttered in panic, tried to explain everything rashly

before the younger explode “I-I didn’t mean it...it’s accidentally happened. I wanted to say it to you, b-but he came

and..and claiming me like crazy... like usually he does, u know… it’s true… really…” He whined desperately, didn’t see signs of

the anger lessen even if it’s just a bit.

“Oops…” Jinki was stopped. Turned his head at the time he felt his back bumped the wall behind him. He turned his head

back to Taemin, would to continue his words.

“I-“ but it only he could say before Taemin’s lips pressed against his, kissing him hotly. Sucked, licked and nibbling hard his

pink plush lips as he pinned him down against the wall with his skinny lithe body. Jinki’s confused by the unpredicted

action, but his brain was shut down totally. The blonde’s hands wandering around the eldest body, he pushed his tongue

inside, and Jinki opened his mouth willingly for him, let moans slipped out, it felt so good, the way his tongue wandering in

hungrily. Taemin growled as responses, loved tasting that wet warm delicious cavern. Their tongue tangled, battling for

dominant once met each other’s.

And the eldest lost, gave in as Taemin attacked his mouth mercilessly, sucked Jinki’s tongue and pushed his own tongue even

deeper to the man throat. The teen’s hand sneaked under his shirt, aggressive touches tingling sensations on Jinki’s hot

sensitive skin, filling his stomach with thousands wild butterflies. The other hand gripped and ruffled on his soft brown

hair, deepened the kiss. Let out whimpers, whines and moans into each other mouth.

“Aghh…T-Taemin….?” Jinki panted hard and loud when Taemin pulled back, face flushed for the lack of oxygen during the

long hot session. He searched for the younger eyes if he’s not mad at him anymore, but only found fire still swirled in those

blue eyes, he couldn’t tell if it’s lust or anger.

“I was erasing his …” Taemin spoke, brushing his thumb along his hyung’s red swollen bottom lip and placing butterfly kisses

along his jaw line. His words made Jinki raised his eyebrow, more confused.

“I hate when he kissed you… when he put his hands, body around you… like he own you...” His lips making their way down to

Jinki’s neck, fingers pulled his jeans jacket and neck shirt. He sucked eagerly on the white exposed juncture and

collarbone, licking, lapping lovingly the angry red marks as he continued, earning noises from the back of the eldest’s

throat. Jinki gripped his white shirt tightly, dizzy, and legs went weak. Fuck! Those sexy pouty lips, talented tongue really

drove him crazy.

Taemin smirked “Cause you are mine, hyung….Only mine…” whispering huskily into the other man ear, twirling his tongue

around the shell and nibbling the lobe. Jinki moaned out loud. Couldn’t help it, he's so turned on, more by the feel the boy’s

bulge pressed hard against his hip. Slim skinny body was moving against his, JInki’s shirt was pulled up halfway, revealing

tofu cute abs and hard nipples.

But before Taemin could do anything else, a hard cracking sound and shouts shocked both. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO

JINKI, TAEMIN-AH??!!!!! HE’S MINE!!! LET ME OUT OF HERE, YOU FOOL ASS!!!” The forgotten Loud sounds of the

kicked and punched door back filling their ears.

“Oh, damn!! Why’s he always ruin our good mood.” Taemin sighed, felt so annoyed. But lightened up in a flash when he

looked down and saw Jinki’s nervous expression. His whole face brightened so red to his ears, breathing fast, heavily, even

he could hear his hyung’s heart t was beating so loud thought his eyes averting Taemin’s in shy.

“OOHHH…. YOU’RE SO CUTEEE, BABE~~!!!!” The taller couldn’t help but hugged Jinki tightly, happy knowing him thumping

moreover and face burn hotter. “T-Taemin….”


“You’re so damn HOT, hyung. I can’t wait to see more when we’re on the bed.” Totally ignoring the so much loud noisy voice,

he licked his lips seductively, running his hands over the other’s body while he could only stuttered, words were stuck on

his dry throat “Ahh, I-I-I…”

“Sssttt! Let’s just go to your home, we need to take care our problem first before have a fun date, right? Look, u’re already

so hard.” A smirk played on his face, hand caressed a bulge was formed in the older pants, causing shudder streamed over

Jinki’s excited body.

“I-It’s because of you--” Jinki pouted in embarrassed as Taemin pulled him from the wall, tangled his finger with him as

Jinki stumbled behind him toward the front door.

“So happy to hear that, babe~” He grinned widely to his lover then turned his head to the noisy door, threw a mocking

words with a huge victory smile “Good bye, Minho hyung, we have to go, cause our bodies are so thirsty, can’t wait much



“Okay, see you later too~~… Come on, babe”
The sounds of so loud bangs hit the wooden poor door with the furious Minho was muffled by the front door Taemin was

locking. Jinki guessed the door wouldn’t last long.

“Now, we’re alone~ <3 Let’s not wasting time, ok? <3 <3” Taemin pulled Jinki, half running through the empty corridor. The

magnae threw a wink and cute sexy smile to the blushing thumping Jinki.


“ARGHH! Damn door!!”  Minho cursed, threw the last punch when he heard the front door was closed. Knowing they had left.

A scene of Jinki’s expression when Taemin’s touching him suddenly popped in his brain, then other scenes of naked horny

Jinki on the bed, his face, his body his moans, groans, mewls when Taemin’s kissing him, teasing him and play with him,

spinning in his head.

“DAMN!!! I WANT JINKI!! I WANT TOUCH HIM TOO!!” screamed in frustration, kicking and throwing everything he

looked in the room.

Then there’s something caught his attention.

An opened window.

Taemin forget the window in his room was opened. He left him inside with another way out. How fool he didn’t realize it

earlier, too busy with the door.

“You’ll die Taemin-ah~~ Minho chuckled scarily, a huge fox smirk didn’t leave his face as he made his way out of the

window “I’ll get you, my Jinki <3<3~”


pairing: onew x minho, ontae, onho, shinee, pairing; onew x taemin

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