I’M NOT HIM [Prologue]

Aug 01, 2010 13:17

I’m not him [Prologue]

Taemin x Minho(2Min); slight Key x Onew (OnKey)


Genre                   :  Just about Taemin (in this story) for firs part.

Summary             : Taemin is moved into new school in Korean and stayed in Minho’s house until
                                   he finished his studied.
                                   But he got troubles in the new place,
                                   Especially with Minho

Disclaimer           : Own everyone of SHINee, but just in my fics.. XDD

Taemin had arrived in Seoul International Air Port, he was walking out of air port, brought his suitcase as his cell phone's ringing. He stopped, took it from his pants, read a name that appear in the scene display and answered it. “Yeah, Mom?”

“Have you arrived in Seoul now?”his Umma asked him.

“Yes, it’s just a few minute ago... I’m walking out the air port now.” He replied, half shouted because the air port is too noise.

“Taemin, my friend just called me, he has a few urgent jobs that he must handle now, so he can’t pick up you now...”

“Ow, it’s OK mom, I’ll go to his house with a taxi”

“No, you don’t need, he has commanded some of his men to pick up you in outdoor. I don’t want you confused later and think that those men are kidnapper or criminal or something bad else.” She laughed a little.

“Hahaha...Ok mom, I get it. I won’t,  don’t worry...” He laughed too “And thanks for tell me, I love you, mom.”

“I love you too, sweety. Take care of yourself and be a good boy,  see you later.”

“Ok, mom... Bye...” He closed the talk, smiled then dragged his suitcase, walked toward the outdoor of air port.

When he stepped in front of the outdoor, which his mom told him to wait, he saw the tallest-biggest four men stood not far from him, their styles were scary with black-dark skins, wore black suit and black glasses. Taemin’s eyes widened when he saw they looked at him several times while saw some papers in their hands carefully, one of them point at him then the papers their held.

Then those men walked approaching him.

It made an extra confused to him. He didn’t remember that he knew or ever met them before, with their appearance, he wouldn’t forget easily if he ever. He looked around him, there were so many people there, maybe it wasn’t him. He ignored them, his eyes started searching around the airport to find signs of who will picked up him.

Or maybe he was wrong.

They stopped right in front of him, the asked “Are you Lee Taemin?”

“Uh... Yes...?” Taemin answered doubtful, after a little surprised. “What do they want?? Are they bad man, want to knocking him down, or maybe the worst are killers.” Those such though spun fast in his head, made a little panic crept inside him.

He almost decided to run away when one of them said “We came here for pick up you, Master Choi Han Joong has ordered us.” He gave some papers which they held. The papers were his photos, his face printed in large scale with his name was wrote on.

“Ooh... yes, that’s  me.” Fresh started to replace the panic as he knew they weren’t bad guy.

“Master Choi  said sorry that he can’t pick up you.We’ll take care of you and make sure you’ll arrive safely at home. Can we go now?” The biggest man talked as Taemin observed them. He though, didn’t  a little too much Choi Han Joong chose these men to pick up him?? They looked like trained guardians. He could feel some people around him looked at him and these men with curious eyes. Why he didn’t just choose a usual people?

Taemin didn’t know how else to answer, so he just said..

“Uh..okay.. Thank you”

“May I carry your suitcase, sir?” One of them asked politely then took his suitcase easily. And then, Taemin left the air port with those men surround him protectively.

Thanks for his mom to told him about whose would pick him, if didn’t, he wouldn’t believe them at all.


Taemin came from Japan. He was one of some student who participated in Student Exchange Program was arranged by his in school Tokyo.

He would learn all lessons and got dance practices for his hobby in SM Entertainment & High School in Korea. He loved dancing so much, in Japan he often took part in dance rehearsal in his school and some dance contest in many place and success won many cups, charter and prize. Not always in first place of course but he didn’t mind about it, he just loved when he moved following the rhythm of music and he really enjoyed it, it made all of his problems went away from his head for a moment, refreshing his mind when he got bored and sometimes helped cooling down his emotion, then he could be more calm and thinking straightly and rationally after he was sweaty. And he got the healthy for extra.

Because his new school didn’t have any dorm and kind of it, he would stay in Choi family’s house. Mr. Choi Han Joong was his mom best friend, and he would stay with Choi family just for temporary until he had finished his study.

And now, in a car, in his way to Choi family’s house, he felt his chest pounding.

Maybe Taemin had a little adventurer spirit inside, knowing that he'd be stay in new house, would get  a new lessons and practice that might be different and meet some people and friends in his new school tomorrow, made him happy and loved his trip in Seoul. He missed his friends in Japan of course and his mom so much, but he’s not a indulgent baby, and his trip in Seoul makes him more curious.


After long time on the way, he arrived in front of a very very very big luxurious white-cream house with high gate, large park -with many kind trees, flower s and statues-  around it and many people -like men who picked him up in air port and sat in same car with him now- stayed stood sides of gate, corners of the house, and some of them walked around sides of sides house, they oversaw and protected the house.

Taemin felt little impressive when he looked those all views at out of the window car -as it passed in the gate, and moved among beautiful park to the house. His mom ever told him about Mr. Choi, he was her best partner in work too, a good and successful man who has many big efforts and joined in some famous companies in Korea and other country more than his Dad. But he hadn’t met or seen him, and didn’t expect that he was so classy.

He understood now that these black-men are Mr. Choi’s men.

“Cool..!! Oow mom~, you’re really the best!” He thought happily with his new place and considered his ‘new life’ will be fun.

His mind's  full of positive things.

But maybe be the reality wouldn't be so positive like what he thought.

And maybe he would be surprised when he found a little trouble in his first day in the house.

pairing: onew x key, onkey, shinee, 2min, pairing: taemin x minho

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