hi there

Oct 26, 2010 16:19

i have been thinking of how to let people know what has been going on in my little world lately and find that twitter and facebook just don't seem to cut it, then i remembered lj.  so, i know i haven't posted here in forever and a day but i am here today to give you a little snapshot if you are interested.

probably the biggest thing has been that my mother has cancer.  she has been going through chemo and radiation.  about a week and a half ago she got really sick and had to be hospitalized.  today i was able to talk to her for the first time since she was admitted.  she is doing better, not completely out of the woods yet, but better.  she is going to need some physical therapy and some home nursing.  i'm dealing with it the best i can.

a little over a month ago, i started taking anti-depressants.  it has it's pluses and minuses but has also been useful in dealing with everything lately.

there are some weird internal happenings at work and i am on the hunt for a new job.  also on the lookout for a new place to live.  current environment is not the healthiest in the world.

over the last week, i have come to realize that with one exception, i have no interest in dating anyone.  given everything that i am trying to deal with these days, it is probably for the best.

the giants are in the world series!  sharks need to pull it together a little bit.

i have started writing again.  mostly trying to sort out some socioeconomic-political ideas.  some metaphysical ideas as well.  it may be a little pretentious but just feels good to be writing anything again.  and am also reminded of just how out of practice i am.

am actually starting to get out to see people again.  have recently seen people i haven't seen in a while that has been really good to reconnect with.  i miss my friends.

had quit smoking and then fell off the wagon (see mother in hospital).  going to work on that again after the weekend.

that's about it for now.  if you are reading this, you are missed.

feel the love
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