Oct 18, 2005 14:39
Quick update for those that actually read this.
I went home this past weekend for Mom's B-Day. It was the shit! We had a blast and hung out all mother-daughter like. We hit up Edward's...Apple Orchard, that is... and then proceeded to Showplace 14 where we entertained ourselves with a couple hours of Elizabethtown. It's a cute movie; however, it had so much potential to be much more than your standard chick-flick/coming-of-age story. I had hopes and they are still intact, yet not sufficiently met.
sidenote: i am hacking up a lung right now.
After the movie, mom and I went to the store to purchase all the necessities to make homemade lasagna, pumpkin angel food cake, and brownies. We then went home and prepared said meal. Then Kristin and Tim came over and the family ate as a whole at our house for the first time in lots and lots of years (besides holidays). I felt domestic. All I needed was an apron and a sweet 1950's hairdo. It only increased my desire to learn how to cook. Anyone want to take cooking lessons with me?
So the weekend was fabulous. I am still having a blast at school, although some of my classes are just dry as a bone. I really don't like or understand logic. I mean I do fine when it comes to having to do homework, but I just don't like going to class. I would rather sleep. Japanese is as fun as it could be. Still slightly difficult and I should study more than I do, but we'll get there. English is English. More specifically it's eighteenth century British Literature....including poetry. Oh, how I despise poetry. Luckily we've only spent one class on figuring out ryhme scheme and meter, and it's not going to be on the test--but oh did I hate that one day of class. Beyond that we are currently reading Jane Eyre, which is yet to be as boring as I thought it would be.
In other news, I have a cold that is single-handedly trying to destroy the purity that is my body. I swear, it would be so much easier if I could just remove my lungs/esophagus and just let them heal without causing me pain, and then put them back in with no harm done. It would be sooooo much easier, and maybe it would even let me be able to sleep at night. That's another thing! I tried to take a nap yesterday around 6:15. It was only going to be a two hour nap so that I could stay up later and do my homework and actually be able to concentrate on it; ha! what a joke that was. I spent all of an hour and fifteen minutes tossing and turning and coughing. In conclusion, I hate my body when it's sick. The irony in that: it's "love your body day"! (I know because those clever folks who write on the path in chalk told me so.)
Looking ahead I can't wait until Thursday night!!! My lovely Jessica is coming up to get me for the Mraz concert! She's staying the night, which will be a blast, and then after my Japanese class on Friday we'll leave here for Rocktown to meet up with all the other crazy kids that are heading our way. And then MRAZ! The Geek in the pink himself. always a man, sometimes the. I'm excited. Did I say that already? Yea, well it's true. But until then, I have work tonight, class and work tomorrow, and then lots of class followed by work on Thursday. Wish me luck. I've got to make it through this week.
p.s. sunday will be six months.