Dec 17, 2005 11:15
uh ohh its jassy: krisssy!
x10snapplequeen: hiiiiiiiii
x10snapplequeen: ha ha i know
uh ohh its jassy: i fellt so dumb
x10snapplequeen: omg jasmine
x10snapplequeen: i was so baked
uh ohh its jassy: ahahah
uh ohh its jassy: and u had to clal me
x10snapplequeen: i know i did
x10snapplequeen: it was unbelievable how like bad it was i was like gahhhh hahahahaha
x10snapplequeen: i was laughing at my own thoughts
uh ohh its jassy: ahahaha
uh ohh its jassy: omg
uh ohh its jassy: u crack me up
x10snapplequeen: i was like thinking
x10snapplequeen: and then i burst out laughing
uh ohh its jassy: LOL i cant stop ,laugjhinmg
x10snapplequeen: it was some uckied up shit man
x10snapplequeen: i was like ahhh shit i need to stop right now
uh ohh its jassy: u make me laugh.
x10snapplequeen: no i was like thinking to myself...
x10snapplequeen: hmm how would someone whos not completely fucked up act
x10snapplequeen: and i was getting it all wrong
uh ohh its jassy: gaggaga
x10snapplequeen: i was like crossing my legs and omg,,,,,lol i was drinking a soda and i stuck my pinky out!!!!!
x10snapplequeen: like english people do for tea!!!!!!!!!!!!
uh ohh its jassy: HAHAHAHHAH
uh ohh its jassy: OH MY GAHD that makes me laugh so much
x10snapplequeen: it was so bad!!!! i was like i wish i was a cat so i could lick myself and no one would say anything
uh ohh its jassy: oh my god.
uh ohh its jassy: hahhahaha
uh ohh its jassy: i cannot stop lauhging
x10snapplequeen: neither could io last night
x10snapplequeen: and to make it worse i snuck out
x10snapplequeen: and when i was coming inside my gram comes out of her room so im like booking up the stairs cas i reeked!!!!!!!!!!!! and my eyes were so bad ha ha omg
uh ohh its jassy: ahahhahaha
x10snapplequeen: it had of been the best night of my life lol
x10snapplequeen: it would have been better with you though!!!!!
x10snapplequeen: whats going on new years
uh ohh its jassy: im not sureee.
uh ohh its jassy: lets just all do something.
x10snapplequeen: indeed
uh ohh its jassy: YEAHH