Reality rears its ugly (and beautiful) head

Apr 28, 2007 10:01

After reading the news this morning, I feel like a light in me just went out. Why do I bother writing about politics?

I know I can't stand America fall apart at the hands of Bush and Fox news. Millions of people are calling for Bush and Cheney's impeachment, millions more calling for the head of Attorney General Gonzales.

Meanwhile, the new 5-4 supreme court just overturned the woman's right to choose abortion, and are happily chopping away at 40 years of progress in affirmative action.

Worst of all, it seems like political action groups with the intention of "fighting these injustices" have just joined the ranks of spam. All they do is ask for money and clutter your inbox, with no discernable change enacted by them. After all, what's the point of giving money and supporting an action group if the strongest action they're capable of is completely ignored by the powers that be?

Perhaps one could tell the mood of a nation by watching its entertainment. Every year, Hollywood movies have become either more escapist and shallow, or more violent, or both. Take the latest James Bond, for example. Gone are the days of Bond's cheeky wit and action sequences with a sense of humor. In there place we have a perfectly toned ape-man who makes unintentionally funny remarks. To top it off, we even have our Bond endure an Abu Ghraib-esque torture scene!

It's like the bulk of middle America has turned into a fat insecure 40-something woman who huddles on the couch surrounded by cupcakes shouting at the TV news "This isn't really happening! This isn't really happening!"

...But I digress.

Given that anyone can get themselves a blog and write pretty much anything they want, even a blog with a purpose is only as good as the market exposure it has. That is to say, how much publicity it gets. But even the most vain among pundits don't write about their personal lives in a purpose built blog.

Which means I ought to pick a topic and stay with it. For the benefit of my friends who read this journal, I should probably just stick to updates on my life.

an update on my life:
Once again, a lot is going on right now. I am managing a company on the verge of spinning off the company I flew to the UK to become a part of. I never thought I'd be in the position to be working with both jewellery and technology at the same time. But, if you guys have read any of the technology news lately (Go to and look up rapid prototyping, you'll find a whole area of manufacture on the verge of a massive breakthrough.
Besides managing the separation of this company, what I do now is teach courses in CAD/CAM specifically for Jewellery design, as well as provide advice and demonstrations as to what this technology can do. This includes but is not limited to talking to people about the difference between various design software packages, and designing and prototyping (or 'fabbing') master models for casting.

A website is coming soon. I'll post it here when it has.

...One last thing before I give up on politics:
I suspect, if all things in the US continue going in the direction they're currently going, within the next 4 years the ruling neo-con republicans and their propaganda machine Fox news will have a violent revolution on their hands. How violent it becomes will depend on how skillful Fox is at keeping the sheep quiet without people noticing it's manipulating them any more than it already is now.

But then again, when the American people find out they've been screwed over by the news network...

Alternatively, the protesters could be smart and focus their energy on emasculating Fox News rather than attacking the currently unassailable administration. Think about it: as long as there is a nationwide news network directly covering the president's (or his cronies') tracks, we can't touch him.

Spread the word everyone! BOYCOTT FOX NEWS! Call your cable operator and get them to drop Fox news from your cable!
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