ANONYMOUSLY post a pairing and a kink. This meme is open to ALL pairings and ALL kinks. Yaoi, Yuri and het is welcome here. Fluffy kinks, gory kinks, gross kinks what have you. It's all welcome here. It. Doesn't. Matter. Just post it, Anons!
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“Klavier,” the woman chimed suddenly. “Hurry up. We need to get going.”
He turned back to her and gave her a nod.
“Yes, my dear.” Klavier responded in German.
Since Klavier was not in the position to drive, Detective Skye placed herself as designated driver. The drive itself was short but it felt like an eternity.
Klavier couldn’t keep his eyes off of the clock of her car. He heard the woman next to him attempt to divert his eyes away from it but it was little to no use.
The prosecutor’s mind was only on one thing - how much longer will it be until he saw his brother’s body hang lifelessly with an unfashionable black and white stripped outfit. He felt his stomach churn. He didn’t want to think about it but time ticked closer and closer to his brother’s demise. It was only a matter of time.
Klavier never wanted to throw up more than anything in his life.
He hugged himself in an attempt to control his sickness. He couldn’t get sick now but he was worried.
Most of all, he couldn’t let Detective Skye know either. He didn’t want her close, not after what he almost tried to do back in his office. He still felt disgusted and the throbbing in his head wouldn’t leave him alone.
“You know,” she suddenly said. Klavier tried not to show his surprise. “They’re not going to hang him.”
Finally, he turned to her.
“They’re… not going to hang him? Why not?”
“They ran out of rope. I suppose this month must have been a busy month for the Detention Center.”
“How… How are they going to do it?” he asked quietly. His tone matched that of a tiny mouse.
“Lethal injection, I think,” she said solemnly. “They’ve been doing research on what to do with the prisoners on death row in case they ran out of rope. They found an old book from way back in the 1800’s on how to do it as well as updated amongst updated versions.”
“I heard about it on the news this morning when I was on my way to work. There’s also rumored to have protestors in front of the Center as well since this apparently violates Human Rights.”
Klavier kept his mouth shut. He didn’t want to add to his headache.
Once she made the exit off the freeway they were apparently on, Klavier could feel his ‘condition’ worsen as he saw the familiar architecture of the Detention Center.
“Roll up your windows, Klavier,” she said. “If the rumors are true, I don’t want to be killed by your fans for ruining your beautiful face.”
He followed her instructions and rolled up the automatic windows.
Klavier was mesmerized by the crowds of people who gathered around the Detention Center this late at night. He was used to seeing protestors outside the courtroom, especially before and after a major case, but never at the Detention Center.
However, he noticed that the detective with him seemed more annoyed than astonished about the protestors. He glanced at her but when she didn’t say anything, he turned back to the protestors.
When the car had to stop, he heard her grumbled but ignored her. Some protestors even came up to the car and banged on the window.
“Klavier,” yelled one of the protestors, “how could you let them do this to your brother? You should have fought his appeal!”
“You’re a traitor to the system!”
At this point, Klavier felt this was a surreal dream. A dream where it felt like he was awake and yet knew it wasn’t reality. He felt like he could wake up at any moment. Any moment, he’ll be in his bed after watching a bad crime drama on television. He’ll go into work, see Detective Skye and go through his daily routine as though nothing happened.
As though he was blissfully ignorant of his brother sitting on Death Row.
However, he knew it was not a dream. It was reality. His brother was going to die in about less than thirty minutes now.
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