
Jun 04, 2007 02:39

i had to take pictures of the process of our garden for my cousin's 4-H book.

i love these two pictures of my papal rototilling, or as we call it 'rototil'ring'

my mamal kept running out of pictures, as did my mom and dad.

michele pulled the weeds from the lettuce and spinach patch.

since it hasn't rained here in over two weeks, they used the firetruck to water the garden.

my little cousin, michele, is in 4-H and one of her three projects she has to do is gardening. so i was volunteered to take the pictures for her book she has to do. the garden is like a huge family garden. in the summer, everyone comes down and gets things from the garden whenever they need it. the lack of rain and the extreme sun lately hasn't been that fantastic for our garden. and birds, mostly crows, came and pulled up all of our corn shoots awhile back, so our corn is a little late because my dad and mom had to replant it. the lettuce should be ready to eat in a week or two!
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