Mar 04, 2004 00:20
Yeah, it was cool to hear him speak, regardless of what you say, Conor. He's an American President, so piss off. The debate was funny. No personal attacks. I think I may have not made some things clear, so I probably look like a moron, but here goes.
Here's what I'm referring to:
He sees my away message, and proceeds to say "BUSH SUCKS"
I inquire as to the reason of his statment, and here's what I get:
EasyC19 (10:46:06 PM): two words
EasyC19 (10:46:09 PM): DOMESTIC POLICY
FIeRcEfaCet (10:47:01 PM): how is it directly affecting you?
EasyC19 (10:47:14 PM): thats the exact point
EasyC19 (10:47:21 PM): a good president does effect me
FIeRcEfaCet (10:47:36 PM): are you out anything? is your life that terrible?
EasyC19 (10:47:59 PM): it would be much better with a different president
FIeRcEfaCet (10:48:05 PM): what if people in iraq need to be freed from a dictator that has been opressing their families DIRECTLY doing terrible inhumane acts?
EasyC19 (10:48:17 PM): and so would the lives of the rest of my fellow citizens and that of the many countries bush has fucked
FIeRcEfaCet (10:48:20 PM): i think America is doing alright for itself
FIeRcEfaCet (10:48:40 PM): what countries has he fucked?
EasyC19 (10:48:49 PM): iraq
FIeRcEfaCet (10:48:59 PM): what?
FIeRcEfaCet (10:49:13 PM): ok, so he fucked the rich bastards that were fucking over a majority of the poeple
EasyC19 (10:49:17 PM): so that his VP could get the rebuilding contracts
EasyC19 (10:49:23 PM): kinda lke bush
EasyC19 (10:49:32 PM): a rich bastard fucking over the majority of america
FIeRcEfaCet (10:49:37 PM): have you talked to any soldiers or anyone who has been over there about how happy the people are that his bastard ass is gone? do you want to put sadaam back in power?
EasyC19 (10:49:55 PM): ive read the reports of how many soldiers have died
FIeRcEfaCet (10:49:58 PM): what? in the land of opportunity? rubbish
FIeRcEfaCet (10:50:01 PM): yeah
EasyC19 (10:50:01 PM): i have read the rate of crime
EasyC19 (10:50:12 PM): i have read about the businesses that have been pillaged
EasyC19 (10:50:15 PM): multiple daily riots
FIeRcEfaCet (10:50:18 PM): soldiers---you need ot look at the long term effect
EasyC19 (10:50:26 PM): and the 19 year old marines with assault rifles who are the peace keeprs
FIeRcEfaCet (10:50:30 PM): that is going to happen in any change in gov't
FIeRcEfaCet (10:50:38 PM): it's a transition
FIeRcEfaCet (10:50:51 PM): i have a friend that's over there right now teaching them to fight for themselves
FIeRcEfaCet (10:51:03 PM): he's not even a soldier
FIeRcEfaCet (10:51:06 PM): he works for glock
FIeRcEfaCet (10:51:23 PM): we're helping another country, and helping more people than just ourselves
EasyC19 (10:51:46 PM): thats not how they and the rest of the world excluding britian sees it
FIeRcEfaCet (10:52:09 PM): does that make it right?
FIeRcEfaCet (10:52:47 PM): just becuase there is rampant drug use and underage drinking in our own country does that make it right?
FIeRcEfaCet (10:53:24 PM): i'm talking about a majority
FIeRcEfaCet (10:53:34 PM): just because the majority of people do it does that make it right?
EasyC19 (10:53:41 PM): rampant druge use does not represent the majority
EasyC19 (10:53:47 PM): nor does underage drinking
EasyC19 (10:54:01 PM): and who are you to make those moral judgements
FIeRcEfaCet (10:54:15 PM): who are you to bash what the president is trying to do for humanitarian purposes?
EasyC19 (10:54:31 PM): because that isnt what he is doing what he is doing for
FIeRcEfaCet (10:55:04 PM): ok, i'm going to go out on a limb and say you think it'sb ecause of either a)reelection or for b)OIL
EasyC19 (10:55:15 PM): nope
EasyC19 (10:55:18 PM): i just dont agree with it
EasyC19 (10:55:21 PM): its not about oil
EasyC19 (10:55:27 PM): thats a copout reason
FIeRcEfaCet (10:55:33 PM): why dont you agree with it, then
EasyC19 (10:55:51 PM): because i dont think it is right to invade a country like that a play a role as policemen
EasyC19 (10:56:09 PM): and i think we have left iraq with an almost as big of a problem
FIeRcEfaCet (10:56:49 PM): who's going to do it if the UN or NATO isn't going to do shit?
FIeRcEfaCet (10:57:00 PM): do we not have a moral obligation to help fellow human beings?
FIeRcEfaCet (10:57:08 PM): sure it's going to be rough right now
EasyC19 (10:57:09 PM): well as they see it the charges that were brought were invalid
EasyC19 (10:57:10 PM): and they were
FIeRcEfaCet (10:57:17 PM): but that's what we're workign towards and trying to help them with
EasyC19 (10:57:19 PM): if bush was upfront we might not have same problems
EasyC19 (10:57:35 PM): its not our place to "help the UN"
FIeRcEfaCet (10:57:36 PM): he was torturing his own fucking people
EasyC19 (10:57:52 PM): so has castro
EasyC19 (10:57:57 PM): so has this government
EasyC19 (10:57:59 PM): so does china
EasyC19 (10:58:06 PM): so does taiwan
EasyC19 (10:58:09 PM): so does vietname
FIeRcEfaCet (10:58:10 PM): gotta pick your fights
EasyC19 (10:58:10 PM): korea
EasyC19 (10:58:11 PM): india
EasyC19 (10:58:13 PM): pakistan
EasyC19 (10:58:16 PM): bangladesh
EasyC19 (10:58:18 PM): jordan
EasyC19 (10:58:19 PM): sudan
EasyC19 (10:58:20 PM): nigeria
EasyC19 (10:58:24 PM): south africa
EasyC19 (10:58:27 PM): shall i continue?
FIeRcEfaCet (10:58:35 PM): gotta pick your fights
EasyC19 (10:58:55 PM): well i dont like bush picking mine
FIeRcEfaCet (10:59:58 PM): how are you fighting?
FIeRcEfaCet (11:00:08 PM): and who's going to do it if not hinm
EasyC19 (11:00:09 PM): i am a citizen of this country
FIeRcEfaCet (11:00:10 PM): *him
FIeRcEfaCet (11:00:17 PM): and maybe you dont know all the intel that he knows
EasyC19 (11:00:36 PM): well according to his statements in the paper he gets bad intel
EasyC19 (11:00:42 PM): so i dont wanna know the bull shit he does know
FIeRcEfaCet (11:00:52 PM): would you rather he just sit there and act
FIeRcEfaCet (11:00:54 PM): *not act
EasyC19 (11:01:07 PM): no i would rather he be honest and upfront
EasyC19 (11:01:09 PM): anc congenial
FIeRcEfaCet (11:01:17 PM): i'm sure he did the best thing that he could think of at the time, ahd who's to say that he did in fact, make a mistake?
EasyC19 (11:01:35 PM): the international community
FIeRcEfaCet (11:02:23 PM): well, we'll see how it turns out.
EasyC19 (11:02:45 PM): chances are bush will be taking a flight off the white house lawn november 14th
EasyC19 (11:02:55 PM): and shall bid him a do
FIeRcEfaCet (11:02:58 PM): Sr. said tonight that thigns are better in that country now then they have been in a long time, and i think he has access to talk to the man himself
FIeRcEfaCet (11:03:00 PM): very well
FIeRcEfaCet (11:03:06 PM): we'll see what happens
EasyC19 (11:03:09 PM): yea he's his father
EasyC19 (11:03:14 PM): what an invalid source
EasyC19 (11:03:24 PM): why do interest rates blow
FIeRcEfaCet (11:03:24 PM): i dont think that it's fair to assess the situatino right now in the transition phase, that's all
EasyC19 (11:03:31 PM): why is unemployment at an all time high
EasyC19 (11:03:38 PM): why is the dollar trading lower than the euro?
FIeRcEfaCet (11:03:43 PM): it's a sinusoidal thing, they're always changing
FIeRcEfaCet (11:03:52 PM): all those things
EasyC19 (11:04:05 PM): no not all of them
FIeRcEfaCet (11:04:07 PM): stock market, yeah, always going up, but not without pitfalls
EasyC19 (11:04:18 PM): im not talking about the stock market
EasyC19 (11:04:21 PM): read dude
FIeRcEfaCet (11:04:26 PM): yeah, i know
FIeRcEfaCet (11:04:30 PM): i was just giving another example
FIeRcEfaCet (11:04:50 PM): what? you think the two of them dont talk?
FIeRcEfaCet (11:05:11 PM): and unemployment, talk to the fucking mexicans, man
EasyC19 (11:05:22 PM): you dont even know what the word means
FIeRcEfaCet (11:05:31 PM): what, unemployment?
EasyC19 (11:06:10 PM): yes
EasyC19 (11:06:15 PM): give me YOUR definition
FIeRcEfaCet (11:06:54 PM): people without jobs/job security
EasyC19 (11:07:02 PM): completely incorrec
EasyC19 (11:07:03 PM): t
EasyC19 (11:07:13 PM): and i think thats why maybe we arent in agreement
EasyC19 (11:07:27 PM): unemployed - people who are out of work and are ACTIVELY seeking jobs
FIeRcEfaCet (11:07:28 PM): enlighten me.
FIeRcEfaCet (11:07:34 PM): yeah
EasyC19 (11:07:49 PM): so "mexicans"
EasyC19 (11:07:52 PM): how do they fit in
EasyC19 (11:07:55 PM): you racist bastard
FIeRcEfaCet (11:07:58 PM): ugh, haha
FIeRcEfaCet (11:08:13 PM): you can't see that they are taking away american jobs?
EasyC19 (11:08:19 PM): omg
EasyC19 (11:08:24 PM): you are brainwashed
FIeRcEfaCet (11:08:25 PM): maybe that's part of the reason that people are having trouble finding jobs
FIeRcEfaCet (11:08:36 PM): fine
EasyC19 (11:08:42 PM): how ridiculous
FIeRcEfaCet (11:08:42 PM): ILLEGAL ALIENS
EasyC19 (11:08:50 PM): they help
EasyC19 (11:09:17 PM): in fact your president in his infamous wisdom just support legis. to allow them to work here
EasyC19 (11:09:19 PM): brb
EasyC19 is away at 11:09:26 PM.
FIeRcEfaCet (11:10:27 PM): alright, well he'res a question for you, do you think that we just need to start fabricating jobs so everyone gets a chance? what if people just suck at life and can't find work because they suck at whatever it is that they're doing? that's got to be part of it
Auto response from EasyC19 (11:10:27 PM): brb
FIeRcEfaCet (11:11:15 PM): and i dont think even the comment i just made can be legit either, because you cant just make blanket comments
FIeRcEfaCet (11:11:18 PM): and i cant either
EasyC19 signed off at 11:11:25 PM.
FIeRcEfaCet (11:11:28 PM): it's a multifaceted problem
Anyway, that's what I was doing whilst I was writing a 6 Pager for Ethics. Bush was cool. Like a grandfather, but he's so accomplished. He talked to us about some WWII stuff and his views on some policies in effect right now, and his interaction with the current President, his friggin' son. He likes vodka.
Anyway, the past few days have been great on the water (knock on wood). I got moved up for now. Hope it stays that way. We had an '06 bow 6 yesterday, that was hot, we won most of the blaster pieces on the water. Gillen was telling me that his friend from Princeton was talking to him a few days ago and they were talking about who's in what boats this year. Gillen said that he's going to be more than content being in the 2V. Us winning the sprints last year, this kid's like "damn, you've got to be kidding me." Gillen: "nope, our team's deep, yo"
That's right Princeton: be afraid, be very afraid. We'll see what happens. I'm not talking trash, all I'm saying is don't get too comfy with the Jope Cup in your paws.
Alright, speaking of that, I have practice starting in 5 hours.
Night bitches n hoes.
sorry, booty music just popped up on the ipod. ugh.