Here they are, as promised, plus some more stuff. As far as news of me going this summer, I was put on the alternate list, and I know at least one guy who's not taking his spot, so there's still a pretty good chance I'll be able to go. The other stuff this summer is all messed up.
I got the PRK this past Thursday (laser surgery, NOT LASIK). Slept the rest of Thurs and a good portion of Friday in a very dark room. Went to the Nat'l Gallery on Sunday and watched the Eagles lose playing the most terrible game of the season. Sorry boys. Anyway, here are the pics. Read a previous article for the story. (Wish I could post the video clips.)
My buddy for the weekend...
Me and the guys in my Co. that started it together
Our gear
Log PT
Keeping warm--"heaven"
"take off your glove; stick your hand in the water..."
"now jump in."
Hooyah, what a dork. Took care of those things this past Thursday.
"grab your fins"
Singing the National Anthem with a mask full of water
Survival swimming
Ridiculous. Quite possibly the dumbest thing I've ever done...maybe not.
The only Da Vinci in the US. "Ginevra de' Benci"
Look at the lighting on this one...this was near the Rembrandt display, but I don't think it was one of his.
My favorite of the day. Look at the facial expression, the fingers, the toes. His sister is pretty amazing, too. I think I like sculptures better than paintings, but that may just be me. Very awesome. Those French have this down.
That's it. I have to do something productive now--making up for lost time for the PRK.